Friday, November 9, 2007

I finally got the floor washed!

Ok, so my floor has gotten to the point where it's disgusting. I mean, I vacuum it almost every day, but I always seem to have a hard time finding time to wash it. Well.
I hate to admit it, but my mom is right... washing with a mop just doesn't do as good of a job as getting down on your hands and knees and scrubbing away.

In the last few days, Matthew has decided that he's able to keep himself sitting up... for a few minutes.... until he topples to one side or the other. This is a big improvement in his world because up until this week, he just folded in half when you sat him down.

So, I came across something that I'd purchased at a garage sale. It's called the babysitter. It kind of looks like one of those nursing pillows. I bought it for 2 bucks I think and never really thought I'd make much use of it. Matthew has been propped up on it once or twice for pictures, but that's about it.

I never really understod why they called it the babysitter, because as far as I could tell, it sure as heck couldn't help them to sit up.

Until now!!! This is my new favourite thing!!!! It's kind of like a doughnut shape with a slot in the front. You wrap it around the baby while he's sitting and it keeps him from falling side to side! It doesn't prevent them from tipping forwards or backwards though which is why I thought it was useless until now.

Anyways, to make a long story short. Matthew sat propped up on the edge of the living room area with his babysitter pillow around him and a few toys and sat for the entire time it took me to wash the kitchen floor.

What an accomplishment for both of us!

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