Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!

Tonight we are enjoying a quiet evening in. We were going to take in Zoo lights, but when we got home today, we all just wanted to get into our sweats and watch hockey!!

Matthew enjoyed watching the Canada vs. USA game with us this evening. He lets us know about every 5 minutes or so that there is hockey on the tv!

After we got Matthew to bed, we enjoyed a nice supper of steak bbq'd outside (thankfully we had a mini chinook today and it was warm enough to barbecue!), mussels, garlic shrimp, roasted potatoes and asparagus. I think it was better than most restaurant meals we've had!

I hope you all had a safe and happy New Year's Eve as well! All the best for 2009

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Holidays!

We had a great Christmas holiday this year! Some of it was spent with just the three of us and included a fun trip to the mall to ride on the Merry-Go-Round and make Matthew a teddy bear at Build-A-Bear and some of it was spent in Saskatoon visiting with all of our relatives, eating lots of food and having fun opening presents.

Now we're back at work for a few days and looking forward to spending a quiet New Year's Eve together as a family.

My favourite Christmas song and a few pictures to share:

When is Santa coming?

One last decoration....

Digging for presents...

This looks interesting....

Riding on Great-Grandpa's Knee....

My new favourite game of Crash the Uncle...

Ready for Christmas Dinner...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Rice Krispie Squares

This morning, we, as a family, made Rice Krispie Squares together for Matthew's Christmas Party Today! As you can see from the pictures below, Matthew thought this was a great idea ;o)

"Will Mom notice if I just take a little nibble...."

"....Dad said I could!"

" you really have to keep taking pictures?"

"Can I get a little milk here? I have sticky fingers!"

"....boy are these good!"

Friday, December 12, 2008


Unfortunately as the old saying goes....

Whether the weather be cold
Whether the weather be hot
We weather the weather whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.

We are supposed to be in for one heck of a blizzard tonight.
Let's hope we can dig out tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So the Santa visit went better than expected! There was only about a 1/2 hour line up and Darren was able to take Matthew for a walk while I waited in line. When we got closer to the front, we kept making funny faces and getting Matthew to laugh and then pointing out Santa and showing how all the kids were sitting on his knee.

Just before our turn, we met "Lucky" the elf, Matthew all of a sudden got a bit shy and we got worried as he started to bury his head into Mommy and hide his eyes... but then Lucky showed Matthew how his nose goes "beep beep" just like Matthew's and Mommy's and Daddy's and Lucky became Matthew's new best friend.

So, when it came time to meet the big guy, Mommy whispered "Santa, does your nose go beep beep?" Santa showed Matthew that his nose goes beep beep too and Matthew thought he was an ok dude.

Since you only get two cracks at a photo, we got lucky!

Matthew also had a lot of fun walking the mall and seeing all of the decorations. He was such a good boy and it was quite late when we got home (9 pm) but still he didn't even complain.

When I got home tonight, the first thing he said to me was "ca". "Car?" I asked "Ca, Da" said Matthew... "Oh!" I said, "you want to go with Daddy in the car? Where do you want to go?" "Ca Da Sa", said Matthew. "You want to go see Santa!?!" At this point I was quite amazed he even remembered who Santa was!

But remember he did indeed. All night tonight he keeps saying "sa" and when you ask "Santa"? he nods yep. When he saw his picture tonight, he pointed and said "sa" So, I guess we'll have to make him a copy of the picture with his new best friend too!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

No Santa.... :o(

No Santa story to report... we got to the mall to find a 1 1/2 hour wait ahead of us (and this was as soon as the mall had opened)... so we figured we come back after work one day this week. Mrs. Claus told us that the lines had been that long pretty much every weekend, so a weeknight is probably a better bet. So stay tuned, you'll see them yet!

On a side note, another photo session and another cutie pie to put in the photo album.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dear Santa...

Tomorrow we are going to attempt to visit Santa.
We tried it a week ago with no success. Matthew was more than happy to walk into Santa's workshop area, but sit on his knee? Yeah, right.
He did, however, have no problem grabbing the box of cookies Santa was offering, right out of his hand and do a 180 down the walkway!

Tomorrow we are getting our picture, so it will be what it will be... just wait and see...