Monday, November 16, 2009

Two Little Feet is taking a break for a while....

Hey there...

Guess you've wondered why I haven't posted for a while...

Not sure why, but I just can't.   Think it's maybe the whole baby thing.  I'm still keeping this blog alive, but I'm going to put it away for a while with hopes that some day another little set of two little feet will grace its pages....

for now, please visit us at

Thanks for understanding,

Monday, August 24, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We attempted to go to Banff this past weekend... but it wasn't meant to be!

We packed up after I got home from work on Friday and drove to meet Daddy who was golfing with Uncle Clint in Kananaskis. We got as far as the exit of Auburn Bay when Matthew proclaimed "I have to poop!".. "Really?" I said, I mean, he didn't have to go 5 minutes ago when we left. So, we turned around and headed back home.

45 minutes later.. we were ready to go again! Just then the phone rang and it was my neighbour. "are you busy?", she asked. "uh.. no..." I said, not quite sure how to answer... "ok, I'm bringing supper over!". She has a habit of doing this and she spoils us! Ok, I thought, guess this means we don't have to stop at McDonalds! It couldn't have been more perfect timing. So, we sat down and had a quick supper.

Try #2 to leave at about 5:30. We got as far as the second exit from our house on the freeway and Matthew said "Mommy, Pee is coming!"... ok, quick detour! I exited and went to the gas station parking lot only to find that he'd already peed his pants. And don't ask why I thought he could stay in his big boy undies before we left.... Pull up it was!

We got 5 more minutes down the road and hit a wall of traffic. I might have known this had I not had to already put Max and Ruby on the dvd player. The rule in our house is the DVD player is only used for long trips. Banff was classified as a long enough trip, so Matthew insisted the DVD be started the minute our wheels got rolling.

Apparently, someone spilled a bunch of diesel on the road, so we had to take a huge detour. We finally made it out of town and picked up Daddy and headed to Banff.

We had rented in what was supposed to be a very nice resort... but it wasn't. Well, at least the room they put us in wasn't. We were half in the basement, half not with only 1 little window in the bedroom (like a basement one) and one under the carport. The bathroom was so small you couldn't fit 2 people in it at once and the bath tub looked yucky. There was NO airconditioning and there were two queen beds that had mattress covers on them that didn't stay still... i.e. it seemed like a lump of blankets under the sheets.

Poor Matthew... cried and said he wanted to go home and didn't want to stay in the "crappy" hotel. We had a fan running full blast on us all night, but no one really slept at all.

We got up the next morning, tried to have a better outlook on things and went into town. We did have a very nice lunch together and Matthew was well behaved for us!

(a few pictures from the blackberry...)

Enjoying his milk....

Goofing off with Daddy....

Future Bono....

So after lunch, we went back to the hotel and tried to put Matthew down for a nap, and again he cried to go home. By now, we were all feeling like we were forcing ourselves to stay somewhere that wasn't feeling much like a vacation at all. So, we renegotiated the rate from the night before and checked out.

We got home about 4 and enjoyed the rest of our weekend in our home, sweet home...

p.s. we will try the weekend away again, but not unless I know someone who has stayed at a place before! You can't trust what those websites say!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Say it LOUDER Mommy!

Every night at bedtime.. Matthew and I have a little chat about his day. Every day brings a new topic and new funny things out of his little mind!

Today's theme was "Say it LOUDER Mommy!" It went like this....

m: Mommy is going to go buy some baby clothes and a crib and some pjamas and a top for the baby!

(now, don't read anything into that....)

M: Who's baby are we buying this for?

m: (thinks...) Kate's sister... Kate's sister is a baby! Yeah... that would be fun... say it louder Mommy! That would be fun!

M: That would be fun Matthew!

m: Yeah!

... talks to himself for a while, Mommy tells him it's time to sleep...

m: Mommy's going to go buy some fruit tomorrow.. yeah.. some plums and avocadoes! Yeah... that would be fun Mommy! Say it Louder Mommy! That would be fun!

M: (starting to giggle to myself).. Yes, Matthew, that would be fun!

... more time passes...

m: Matthew's going to give some toys to Grandma and Grandpa!

M: What kind of toys are you giving them?

m: A **** (Mommy had no idea what he said, even though I asked 3 times)... Say it Louder Mommy! That would be fun!

M: Laughing outloud now... Yes, Matthew, that would be FUN!!

And on and on it went.... and we had FUN!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Too Hot!

30 is just too hot for me. I'm good enough with mid twenties!
Yesterday morning we went over to our friends Ale, Juan & Eva to take a few pictures for them. Ale gave birth to their 2nd daughter, Ada, by c-section today. We had planned to do pictures later, but Ada decided to come sooner!

Matthew and Ava had a blast playing outside in the pool!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Matthew's 2 Year Pictures

Slowly but surely, I get a few of Matthew's 2 year pictures edited every day.... here's a few of the finished shots:

Sunday, June 28, 2009

This and That

..... Matthew absolutely loves our strawberry patch. He checks it every day, telling me "this one's red Mommy!" to which I have to reply, "No, that one's not quite red enough yet... sorry buddy!" ... and then he usually goes and picks it when I'm not looking anyway!

We have a pesky Robin who also thinks that he is as much entitled to the strawberry patch as Matthew is. I feel so bad when we go out and find one that is ripe, only to pick it and find out it has little beak marks in it! I think I'll have to make a trip to the garden centre for some netting soon... I'm betting my lettuce crop is next on his list. Sheesh! It was the bunny last year, and now the robin!

Tia gave him a run for his money on Saturday. He didn't see her laying right beside the strawberry patch. I heard a big kerfuffle and some squawking and turned around and there must have been 30 feathers in the air!

And just for fun, here's a cat with an attitude, who was ticked that he just got caught escaping from the backyard, yet again.....


In other news, Matthew has been asking the famous "What's that Mommy?" for a few months now. I swear he must ask 300 times some days! My neighbour warned me a while back that it gets better...

Today, while settling down for his nap, Matthew asked me what the noise was that he heard. "That's Daddy mowing the lawn outside", I replied. He contemplated for a moment, and then I heard....


And from then on, it has been...

"Matthew it's time for supper." WHY?????

"Matthew it's hair wash night." WHY???? "Because your hair is dirty!" WHY??

And you can imagine the fun we're going to have from here!! I thought making up "what's" were hard enough, but "why" is going to be a whole lot more fun!


While reading a story tonight, Matthew saw a picture of a kangaroo riding on a bike! I was prepared for him to ask me what that was or why the kanagroo was on a bike, but instead he said "Kangaroo's not wearing a helmet!!"

Yes, naughty kangaroo!! He was quite concerned. Maybe I should colour one in the book! Wow, nothing gets past Mr. M.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

When You're Two...

I guess when you turn two, you turn into a big boy. Big boys like to play cars. Matthew has taken a particular liking to Car washes. We can drive by a gas station and he can always point out when and where there are car washes! So, of course, we had to make him his own car wash. We have also made lego carwashes with masking tape "hoses"... all Matthew's own idea!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Matthew's "Happy Birthday"!

Last week, we celebrated Matthew's "Happy Birthday" with a big party full of lots of kids, laughter and fun! As Matthew's "friends" are only 2 years old... we thought it appropriate that they come with parents (don't you?) so we had a houseful!

The theme was Sesame Street, and particularly Matthew's favourite... Elmo!

We had hoped to play outside with the kids. I rented some fun backyard equipment including a jumping house, slide and tunnel system. I had watched the weather all week with crossed fingers, hoping that the 40% chance of rain wouldn't materialize, but it wasn't meant to be.

Around noon, it hailed ferouciously, and was very cold outside, which didn't make for a lot of fun. So what were we to do?

Bring the fun INSIDE of course!

I sent Daddy to Superstore to buy a new tarp... we emptied our living room of almost all furniture.. and voila! An instant playgound.

For added fun, I had been walking through the dollar store and found some really cute fishing sets with little magnetic fish and fishing poles! For the price that they were, I couldn't resist picking them up to make a little fishing game for the kids.

The cake was, of course, Elmo! (with a little help from my friend Bridget)

with some little cupcake friends to go along, made by myself.

We all had a little lunch,

and birthday cake of course!

We said good-bye to all of our friends and enjoyed the evening, playing with new presents, which Matthew got right into!

What a fun day for all.. but thank goodness it's only once a year!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Dear Matthew...

May 12, 2009

My dear baby... wow, you turn two years old today. Two years old! Who could have imagined how much you changed my life in these two little years. You were a little blue bundle when I brought you home and now you wouldn't even fit in your car seat if I tried!

I went from changing itty bitty diapers to bigger diapers and now I hardly change diapers at all, I help you put on your big boy pull ups instead..... your big boy pullups.... your big boy everything.... you sure aren't a baby any more, but you'll always be my baby.

Boy, do you ever want to be a big boy right now though! You want to do everything that Mommy does and you love to help me make pancakes in the kitchen, and you always want to "flip" them in the pan. You like to sneak veggies from me when I'm making supper and you're favourite spot is smack dab in the middle of our island where you have access to all of Mommy's kitchen toys. You will be an expert baker soon... you can even measure the baking soda all by yourself already!

I can't find the middle piece of our vacuum because I've removed it so many times to make a mini floor vacuum for you, that it got lost! You have your own toy vacuum, but it's nothing like the real thing and you sure know the difference. Although, Uncle Mark bought you a toy lawn mower for your birthday and you sure think that is fun to run up and down the hallways with.. but that is because you don't remember what the real lawn mower sounds like, you just wait Daddy!

I love that you still love to be my baby. I love that you learned the word "nuggle" and although sometimes after I've had my arm stretched around you until it's falling asleep and I try to sneak away and even though I think you're asleep, and you snap it right back into place, I have a brief moment of wanting to pull it away, but I know that the "nuggle" stage isn't going to last forever and I try to savour every moment I can.

You started swimming lessons a little while ago.. you are hit and miss with the water, but you sure love to go to "Donalds" afterwards. You will sit yourself at a booth and polish off an entire hamburger (no cheese, ketchup only thank-you very much) and a milkshake... or chocolate milk... or both....

I am thrilled at how much you love to read. Sometimes I'm so tired at the end of the day that I just want to go to bed myself, but I will read as many books as you want because I never want you to lose the love of reading... (it just means we have to start the bedtime routine at 6:00 some nights!

You already knew how to walk when you turned one, but now you know how to run. I love when I open the door upon coming home from work and you bolt around the corner and straight towards daddy and I with a big hug! It makes my day! You tell us all about your day and the fun you had and it makes my heart feel less guilty about going to work each day and not being with you.

I started your second year being "Mama" but just recently became "Mommy". I wasn't thrilled about the change at the start because it's just another thing that isn't a baby and is a little boy, but you melt my heart every time I come into the room and you smile big and say "Hi Mommy!"

Your transition from a crib to a bed was an easy one. We went to California in February and you didn't want to have any part of sleeping in a play pen, so the only other choice was to give you your own bed...with all the dining room chairs firmly around it! From that point on, there was no more crib.. you wanted a big boy bed, so a big boy bed we bought you and you have loved to show it off to everyone who visits, ever since.

You love hockey and golf and I'm sure it's because your Daddy always has them on tv! But you love "Don" even more and let us know every time he comes on TV during the hockey game. You recently discovered that a "man sings O Canada" and once and a while give me a one verse rendition of the song yourself.

It wasn't long ago that I was posting about how you learned this word or that word, but before long, I couldn't keep up! You say everything and anything now and you're even talking in full sentences once and a while! I couldn't believe my ears when I asked you to tell me a story the other day and you started to say "One Day, Allison and Emily (your park friends) went to the park...." Wow! You know your numbers, although it took until this week to convince you that you were only turning 2 and not 3, and you're starting to learn your ABC's too. You can name almost everything in the Richard Scary word book and you routinely point out "Big Truck", "motorcycle" or "tractor" when you see them as we're driving!

Some more things about you....

~ Blankie is still your favourite comfort item... Boo Bear is a distant second
~ You are just over 32 lb and almost 36" tall
~ the cutest things you say are "pocables" and "hicksups"
~ Your favourite tv shows are Sesame Street, Night Garden and Franklin
~ Your favourite books are Mouse Cookie and Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb
~ Your favourite food is anything in a bun, which you call a hamburger
~ You still want warm milk at bedtime in a "baby cup"
~ You are 1/2 potty trained, all on your own doing
~ You play pretend on the phone and say "hello, how are you?.... good!" over and
~ You are still so darn cute!

By the time I write this post again, you aren't even going to be a toddler any more. You will be playing sports and riding your bike and an even bigger, little boy than you are today. Thank-you for being the light of my life and I look forward to all of the stories, games and fun that we will have in the years to come.

All my love,

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Direct from the (almost) 2 year old ~ April 30 edition

from April 29

m: mama wear bandaid on finger.... dada wear bandaid on nose! Yeah.

I believe referring to the breath-right strips Daddy wears at night, but how he equated that to a bandaid, I'm not sure!


what? no more mama and dada??? I'm really sad! Well, I still get mama once and a while, but all of a sudden it's now maaaaaa-meeeeee!!!

April 30 at approx. 5:02 a.m.

m: Mama make fench toast for Maffew, now!!!

I think that is the current record for most words put together in a sentence!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Straight from the (almost) 2 Year Old

April 28, 2009
Matthew does NOT want his diaper on after his bath.... he does NOT want his pjamas on after his bath... Mommy tries everything she can think of and finally says

M: Matthew if you don't put your jammies on, Mommy will be sad.

Matthew looks at Mommy and thinks for a minute....

m: Uncle Bian Sad.......

M: Pardon Matthew? Why is Uncle Brian sad?

m: Mama happy......

m: Gama happy...... yeah...

m: Uncle Bian Sad..... fames lost....

He's probably right. Uncle Brian probably is sad that his flames lost.

April 29: Update:

m: Uncle Bian happy! Not Sad....

guess he got over the Flames quickly...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

We have some catching up to do.....

It's been a while, I know. So, we have some catching up to do! (and I must apologize for the quality of the pictures I've put up here lately. My good camera's battery died and we have to get it replaced... soon hopefully..)

It will hopefully be spring for good.... soon. We are supposed to get snow again this week, but the nice thing is snow at this time of year doesn't usually stay too long! Here is Matthew a while back, enjoying one of the first nice days of spring (when it wasn't quite warm enough for a hat yet, so we mofified his toque!

just doing a little sightseeing around the neighbourhood!


Matthew has been going to "school" (as he calls it), or a toddler group, (as we call it), every Saturday morning since February. He has loved it! It has been a good mix of singing and dancing and playing with other kids and his favourite part... painting!

Each Saturday there was a different theme. On one of the Saturdays, the theme was fairytales and so all the kids got to dress-up as we sang their songs. First they dressed as knights, and then as kings, and then as.....

Fairies!! Yep, thank goodness I had my camera that day because I am betting that I may never see Matthew in a fairy costume again! Considering the class was about 75% boys, we all had quite a chuckle at the little "fairies" dancing around with their magic wands and wings!

As much as he looked forward to the "painting" portion of the class each week, he wasn't too impressed with the fairy wand that was the craft for the day. It didn't see any magical action once we got home.

But who can resist shaking sprinkles on anything!


We enjoyed a short trip to Edmonton over Easter weekend. Edmonton has always been one of our favourite places to go and Matthew just loves staying in a hotel and playing in new playgrounds!

When we returned, we tried our hands at dying Easter Eggs for the first time! You should have seen Matthew's face when the first egg came out of the dye. He thought eggs should be colored all of the time!

There's nothing better than a bowl full of chocolate!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny made his very first visit to our house last night! That silly bunny, he left little Chocolate Easter eggs all over Matthew's Bedroom and down the stairs and around the living room! Matthew thought this was the best thing in the world! The Easter Bunny even left Matthew an Easter basket filled with some fun toys and things... but Matthew didn't even care, he just wanted the chocolate! It is now 8pm as I type this and I believe, for the record, that Matthew has eaten more chocolate today than he has in his entire life. For real.

just waking up. Found first chocolate egg. A little perplexed that Mom is letting him eat chocolate before Breakast.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cuddles and Stories

I have agonized over the bedtime routine for the past few months now. Should I be making him go to bed on his own? Is it okay that I lay with him until he falls asleep, or will it create a child that can't go to bed on his own later in life? So many questions and it seems everyone has an answer for you, yet what is right for you, is only something you know.

Before we put Matthew into a bed, we got him to the point, where he was able to go to bed by himself. Now that he's in a big boy bed, we reverted back to having someone lay with Matthew.

It's a catch 22 for me. On one hand, I feel like laying with Matthew is some of the best quality time that I get to spend with him. He talks so much right now! Tonight, he told me how Grandma lives in Saskatoon, How Grandpa says "goin' on", that Big Grandpa wears a hat, that Grandma and Grandpa brought a suitcase to our house, that Daddy takes Nana home, that Miss Ann (his Saturday teacher) does painting and on and on... his little mind must just be spinning!

On the other hand, some nights, it's 9:30 before I get him to fall asleep. By that time, my evening is done too. I don't feel like finishing the dishes, I don't even feel like blogging most nights. That disappoints me, because my blogs are almost like an online journal for me, and often times I have so much to say at night, but no energy to say it.

So, I've come to a compromise now. We have our normal bedtime routine, which consists of warm milk in bed while we read stories, then tooth brushing and lights out. Mommy, and sometimes Daddy lay with Matthew for a little while, while Matthew rolls around and talks to us and plays with our hair and everything else under the sun. Then Mommy pretends that she is going to sleep for a few minutes, while she listens to Matthew talk to himself (my favourite part)... and then if he doesn't fall asleep, I have to tell him it's time for Mommy to go to her own bed. (not my favourite part).

For some reason, it's no big deal for Daddy to go to his own bed, but when I say it's time for me to go, the big sobs come out. So, I go anyway, stand at the top of the stairs and feel like crap while he cries, usually for exactly 30 seconds. Then he's quite and usually falls asleep within minutes.

So slowly, he's learning to go to bed on his own, yet, I don't have to let go of the bedtime cuddle routine just yet. It works for me.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

In Tummy!

Tonight, while we were happily eating supper together at the table, I told Matthew to put some of his food in his tummy instead of playing with it on the plate. He looked at me with a bewildered look on his face and then proceeded to lift up his shirt and say "tummy!"

"yes Matthew! When you eat food, it goes into your tummy!"

He thought about this for a while and then got the biggest smile on his face, like he had solved the million dollar question!

In fact, it was Mommy who solved the million dollar "how do I get him to eat" question. He darn near licked his plate clean... one bite at a time, explaining what it was, saying "tummy", lifting up his shirt and pointing to his tummy and then laughing like crazy at how funny the concept of food going into his mouth and ending up in his tummy could be!

It was all going great until he said "open up!"...

"you mean open up your tummy??"

"open tummy! open tummy!"

Uh oh, now how do I explain this one.... :o)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Word of the Day

I cannot get over how quickly the words are coming these days! I swear Matthew says at least 2-3 new things every day!

Today, I came home and the first thing he spit out to meet in perfect clarity was "apple juice".. Not just apple, but apple juice! It was very cute.

Yesterday, he mastered waffle.

Tonight, reading our books, he pointed out that the teacher in "spot goes to school" is "miss Bear"

And finally the word "yes" with an sssss came out, not just ya, ya, ya.

I wonder what tomorrow's word will be?!? :o)

Monday, March 9, 2009

How do they get that smart?

So, I knew that the "going to be with no complaints" thing was too good to be true!
We recently went back to the 2 hour "go to sleep" routine...
It's not even about us laying with him anymore... He's just not tired until 10 pm.
In fact, because of the time change yesterday, 10 was even early!
His new trick is having to go potty.
It's not that he didn't just go... It's a darn good stalling technique because since we're learning to go potty, I don't want to discourage him from going!

m: pee pee pee pee pee pee!
M: Matthew you don't have to go potty... Time to go to bed!
m: no! Poop poop poop!
M: Matthew you don't have to poop. It's time to go to bed!
m: starts to make a fuss, so Mommy gives in.

He happily sits on the potty and let's out a few fluffs...

m: (with a big grin) POOP! (as if to say "I told you so...")

Sigh... what's a mom to do!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Wonders of Play Doh

We recently discovered play-doh. I was going to be one of those moms, and still probably will be, who makes the home made stuff, but I was wondering through the dollar store and saw "authentic" play-doh for $1.00 a can. I couldn't resist bringing home a few for Matthew to explore.

Play-doh has become a life saver! It is now much easier to clean up breakfast dishes or cook supper, as he asks to play with the play-doh and is content sitting at the table, playing and watching cartoons for about a half an hour. A HALF AN HOUR!!! YIPEE!!!

We also recently set up a craft corner in the kitchen, with the goal being all sorts of fun things we can do AT THE TABLE!!! Of course, these times are limited to those when Mommy needs to be in the kitchen, preferrably un-interrupted, as we don't want them to get over-used :O)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 1 Was Too Easy....

If you've noticed I've been absent from my blog for a while, I can sweetly blame it on my little boy.

Somewhere along the line, he developed a habit of needing mommy to lay on the floor beside his crib and hold his hand. Then, when we went on vacation and he would have no part of sleeping in a playpen, he had to sleep in his own queen size bed. Unsure that he would fall alseep, Mommy AND Daddy started laying down with him each night AND each afternoon until he fell asleep.

See where this is going? Yes, we did it to ourselves, but it needed to be undone.

When we got back from vacation, Matthew would have no part of sleeping in his crib. So, we hauled our guest bed into his room and he has been sleeping on it ever since. We are in the process of trying to find him his own bed, but there are just sooo many choices out there! Hopefully, we'll agree on one soon.

Anyhow, the night time routine quickly developed into "Mama" and "Dada" "Bed" before he would even attempt to lay down. For the last few weeks he has not wanted to go to bed and has started to use every excuse a 1 year old can think of as to why he should not lay down. Our evenings were including lots of questions, lots of talking, lots of crying and FINALLY, after about 2 hours, he would fall asleep.

By that time, I was exhausted and would walk straight out of his bed and into mine. So, that was my evenings... eat, bath, books, and try to get him to go to sleep for 2 hours. It was draining on all of us and had to stop.

There were lots of people, including Daddy who said "you just have to let him cry"... but I just couldn't do it.. I felt like it was my fault for starting the whole lying down thing, so how could I just abandon him?

So, tonight, we read our book, drank our milk, brushed our teeth and tonight we brought his crib mobile (projects images on the ceiling) into bed for him and told him that Mommy would stay in the room but that I wasn't going to lay in bed with him.

He protested at first, and then thought it was kind of fun that Mommy was sitting on the other side of the room, so why shouldn't he come visit? I gently reminded him that if he didn't get back into bed, Mommy was not going to stay in the room. And so he did. I sat for 10 minutes and then moved myself just outside the door of his room... he asked for me several times and I kept telling him i was right here and that it was time to go to bed.

And you know what? Only 1/2 an hour later, he was fast asleep (upside down in the bed, but oh well, you take what you can get)....

So, I know this had to of been too easy and I'm expecting some of the future nights to not be as easy, but like the song I heard on the way to work this morning reminded me... "It won't be like this for long"... so as we read his books together and cuddle in bed, I'll savour those moments and hopefully still enjoy a moment or two to myself as well.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Vacation .... Part 2

(pssst... I blogged about part 1 yesterday.. just in case you missed it... see below....)

Don't you love my artwork? Pretty good for a 1 3/4 year old! I loved to play in the sand... I'll have lots of fun at our beach this summer!

Since we were eating meals at home, I got to help Mommy make breakfast most mornings... each time she asked me what I wanted, I told yer "pa pay" or pancakes for the rest of you!

One day, we went down to Laguna Beach and played in the sand and in the playground there. As we were walking to the playground, we saw a man with some colorful birds. We asked him if we could see his birds and he started to tell us all kinds of neat stories about them... I can't remember the little one's name, but I remember he was "green" and he sat on my arm!

I wasn't so sure about him at first, but when he sat on my HEAD, I thought it was pretty funny!!

Daddy even got in on the action!

This was supposed to be our valentine's picture, but the computer didn't want to cooperate the morning Mommy tried to send it out....

I became a natural tour guide along the way... Here I am showing off our resort!

One day, our hotel keys decided to stop working... we thought we would drive over to the building but Mommy thought Daddy took the car keys and Daddy thought Mommy took the car keys... oops! Good thing there was a security phone right outside our door.. we had to get the security guard to let us in! Here we are waiting for him.. notice my cool hat! Mommy bought it for 97 cents at Old Navy.. It was a substitute toque for when it got cold :O)

Hmm.... where should we go today??

On our last day in California, we took an adventure into Los Angeles... I was going to have to miss my nap in my bed, so Mommy was thankful that I fell asleep in the car on the drive in!

Guess where we went?! To my very first NHL game! We got to see the Edmonton Oilers play the LA Kings... Daddy was sure to bring my Jersey... but you should have seen the Edmonton Jersey's there! Either Mommy says half of Canada was there, or there are a lot of left over Gretzky fans in L.A. I think there were almost as many Oiler cheers as L.A. Cheers! It made for a fun game!

I was very excited to see REAL hockey in front of my eyes when the game first started! I always ask to watch hockey on TV and this was pretty exciting! But, I wanted to walk around half way through the first period, so Mommy and I took a walk and got to meet Wilshire the fire dog! He was the ceremonial puck dropper at the game... I got my picture with him outside (Mommy will have to scan it and show you later) and then he came and sat in the chair next to Mommy for a few minutes when Daddy and I were walking around!

See! Here he is next to Mommy... too bad I had decided to go for a walk at that time!

It was a pretty close game... the Oilers were leading until the last few seconds when the Kings scored and we went into...

And then even into a shootout! Oh, the suspense was killing me!!

Luckily, in the end, our Oilers won! Here I am telling the guy behind me that our team won!

It was lots of fun for Daddy and I to go to our first NHL game together and a fun way to end our trip!