Tuesday, March 31, 2009

In Tummy!

Tonight, while we were happily eating supper together at the table, I told Matthew to put some of his food in his tummy instead of playing with it on the plate. He looked at me with a bewildered look on his face and then proceeded to lift up his shirt and say "tummy!"

"yes Matthew! When you eat food, it goes into your tummy!"

He thought about this for a while and then got the biggest smile on his face, like he had solved the million dollar question!

In fact, it was Mommy who solved the million dollar "how do I get him to eat" question. He darn near licked his plate clean... one bite at a time, explaining what it was, saying "tummy", lifting up his shirt and pointing to his tummy and then laughing like crazy at how funny the concept of food going into his mouth and ending up in his tummy could be!

It was all going great until he said "open up!"...

"you mean open up your tummy??"

"open tummy! open tummy!"

Uh oh, now how do I explain this one.... :o)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Word of the Day

I cannot get over how quickly the words are coming these days! I swear Matthew says at least 2-3 new things every day!

Today, I came home and the first thing he spit out to meet in perfect clarity was "apple juice".. Not just apple, but apple juice! It was very cute.

Yesterday, he mastered waffle.

Tonight, reading our books, he pointed out that the teacher in "spot goes to school" is "miss Bear"

And finally the word "yes" with an sssss came out, not just ya, ya, ya.

I wonder what tomorrow's word will be?!? :o)

Monday, March 9, 2009

How do they get that smart?

So, I knew that the "going to be with no complaints" thing was too good to be true!
We recently went back to the 2 hour "go to sleep" routine...
It's not even about us laying with him anymore... He's just not tired until 10 pm.
In fact, because of the time change yesterday, 10 was even early!
His new trick is having to go potty.
It's not that he didn't just go... It's a darn good stalling technique because since we're learning to go potty, I don't want to discourage him from going!

m: pee pee pee pee pee pee!
M: Matthew you don't have to go potty... Time to go to bed!
m: no! Poop poop poop!
M: Matthew you don't have to poop. It's time to go to bed!
m: starts to make a fuss, so Mommy gives in.

He happily sits on the potty and let's out a few fluffs...

m: (with a big grin) POOP! (as if to say "I told you so...")

Sigh... what's a mom to do!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Wonders of Play Doh

We recently discovered play-doh. I was going to be one of those moms, and still probably will be, who makes the home made stuff, but I was wondering through the dollar store and saw "authentic" play-doh for $1.00 a can. I couldn't resist bringing home a few for Matthew to explore.

Play-doh has become a life saver! It is now much easier to clean up breakfast dishes or cook supper, as he asks to play with the play-doh and is content sitting at the table, playing and watching cartoons for about a half an hour. A HALF AN HOUR!!! YIPEE!!!

We also recently set up a craft corner in the kitchen, with the goal being all sorts of fun things we can do AT THE TABLE!!! Of course, these times are limited to those when Mommy needs to be in the kitchen, preferrably un-interrupted, as we don't want them to get over-used :O)