Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Our Little Cheerio Man

I gave in to letting Matthew try cheerios last week after Kate's mom said she had tried them. I was holding off because of the first-time-what-if-he-chokes syndrome.
So, since last week, cheerios have become a main staple in all our diets.
They are very handy to give him when he's waiting for his supper in his high chair. They work when you have to go out somewhere and he's getting fussy. And they work for me when I realize at 3 that I haven't eaten since this morning.

We were talking in Matthew's class this morning about who's eating what and it seems like a lot of the babies around his age are a lot further along in the solids game than we are. I need to get up more courage to give him different things. So far, he hasn't started to choke on anything yet.

He's becoming a little eating machine in general too. He'll polish off an entire bowl of cereal, half a jar of fruit, some cheerios and maybe even some yogurt for breakfast!

He has pulled himself up on both his piano and his toybench by himself. He's only done it twice though and seems to have lost interest in the game since he figured it out.

Today, while I was doing situps in the living room, and Matthew was standing by the toybox, he actually let go and stood for about 2 seconds on his own. It was long enough for me to see him let go... realize that "oh my gosh, he isn't holding onto anything".. and then watch him fall on his bum just as I reach for him!

He's currently not interested in very many toys. More so - how to open the drawer on the stove... what's in the garbage can... how to climb up onto the dishwasher when Mommy is loading dishes onto it... how to get in the fridge/freezer if Mommy opens it... How to climb through the chair rails and the ever popular.... how to open the central vac connection.

Although... after about a week of "ta ta" and firm "no, danger"... we have gone from looking at me and laughing hysterically to now backing away as soon as I say the word. Phew, I was getting worried there for a while.

Other than that, life is good, despite how cold it is. Can't complain though... Last Saturday it was gorgeous all day and we even got to bbq!

Talk to you soon.

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