Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tiny Moment

Gosh, today was a really busy day... really, really busy (at work I mean). One of those days that you just want to bang your head against the steering wheel on the way home. Anyhow. It was busy enough that I had to go pick Matthew up from daycare and bring him to work with me because I had some stuff that had to get done.

I was suprised at how well behaved he was and how he stayed in my office and didn't attempt to venture out for almost an hour!

On the way home, we were driving in traffic, he was kind of yawning a bit and rubbing his eyes. We were playing one of his cd's as I typically do. I've been playing his CD's since he was a few weeks old (with children's songs on them), but have never really gotten a reaction out of him.

All of a sudden, "if you're happy and you know it... clap your hands" came on.. I happened to glance in the rear view mirror and there was Matthew smiling and clapping away! Again, he amazed me at how much he actually understands! I was even more impressed when we got to the second verse "if you're happy and you know it cover your eyes... peek-a-boo!" and he put his hands up to his eyes.


p.s. Our new word of the week is "car". Whenever we come out of the dayhome, I ask him where his truck is and he always points to the same one and says "car"... right now car and truck are one in the same, but who cares! Today, when we walked out of my office into the parking lot, all he could keep saying was "car, car, car" and point in all different directions! Same thing as we drove very slowly home in bumper to bumper traffic. "car, car, car" all over the place! More cars than we'd ever seen before! Definitely the highlight of his day :O)


Julie said...

Have you listened to the Barenaked Ladies kids CD? I keep meaning to get it. I hear it's really good.

Erin said...

..hmmmm, no I hadn't. My personal favourite so far is the "name your tune" CD's where they sing the child's name. Very cute songs!
Let me know if you end up buying the BNL CD

Shan said...

Aww what a cute story.