Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My how they change...

It's crazy how fast babies change! I'm glad we purchased a video camera because Matthew is starting to do new things every day.
I will try see if I can put video of Matthew and his daily conversations with Mr. Worm. It is hilarious and gets Darren and I laughing every time!

In the past day or so, Matthew has started to 'talk' quite a bit! He's now commenting on all sorts of things and letting us know very loudly when he's unhappy with something!

He's also started to roll himself on his side and can start both his mobile and his aquarium with his feet. Yesterday I was working in the kitchen and he was sleeping and all of a sudden I heard the mobile playing over the monitor. I went upstairs and you should have seen the look on his face! He was so proud of himself that he had gotten the monkey to go round all by himself!

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