But today, the karma gods were not being nice to me... what exactly did I do to deserve my day today?
1. I woke up to the sound of thunder at 3:40 a.m. It was quite thunder and I don't mind thunder when it's far away, but I woke up and that meant I was likely not going to fall asleep again before the alarm went off at 4:30.
2. The rain sounded so nice at 4:30 that I thought to myself... well, if you stay in bed until 5, then you just need to be speedier getting ready and don't doddle. Normally I leave myself 1 hour to get ready, but I have done it in 12 minutes before, so no biggy.
3. Just before I am about to plug in the blowdryer to dry my hair.... the power goes out..... if you've ever seen my hair in a day without being blowdried, you'll know why I was concerned about this.
4. We have a million flashlights and in fact keep one right beside our bed, but do you think it was there when I needed it?
5. I can barely see and so decide to skip on making breakfast and/or my lunch figuring I'll eat out of my cabinet supply (yeah, I keep a supply of soup and stuff at work for days like today at work), so I leave, on time, ready to go to work.
6. I figure I need a little pick me up, so me and my wet hair stop at Tim's. I get a coffee, a donut (I thought what the hell, the day can't get worse) and a sandwich. Was going to save the sandwich for lunch, but decided to eat it in the car on the way to work. Apparently, the lady at the counter decided to cut only part way through the sandwich, leaving the appearance that it was in once piece, when it was actually almost in 2 pieces... so it completely falls apart and all over my pants. Great.
7. Get to work (on time I'll add.) I'm the first one there, so I don't worry about coming in sans hair and makeup. I brought my blowdryer and went into the lady's washroom to blowdry. Guess what? No plug-ins in our washroom. Who'd have thunk it? Blowdry hair in office without mirror. Great.
8. Day goes pretty well from here... nothing nuts at work, no crazy customers, thinking the crappy part is over.
9. Leave for work, pick up child, go home, get ready for physio appointment. (I have been having knee problems which have been determined to be a combination of my bad feet and my 30 lb child... anyhow, they're getting fixed).
10. Start off on the road...... and THIS happens.
Welcome to the daily drive down the Deerfoot. If you live in Calgary and are reading this, I need to say no more. If you're not, and ever visit, just say I warned you. And yes, it is as big as a baseball. And yes, I was 100 feet back from the truck, go figure.
11. Ok, so I'm a little rattled, but this MUST be it, right? I get to our appointment and guess what? Daddy took the stroller out of the truck last night because he didn't realize my appointment was today and I didn't know he'd taken it out. Usually, Matthew just sits in the stroller and snacks while I have my appointment... oh God, what was today going to be like?
For the record, he has won over both the doctor and the receptionist and was playing with the plastic spine and the cordless phone the entire time while the doctor kept saying... "it's ok, he's not hurting anything..."... They are now #1 in Matthew's books.
12. Ok, now we're going home... this has got to be it.. until the rear view mirror falls off of the windshield, likely knocked loose by the force of the baseball that hit us before.. Whatever, at this point I just laugh.
13. And lastly, I discover during Matthew's bath that our ongoing battle with a diaper rash has returned with a vengence.. this time accompanying a yeast infection. Yipee. Off to the walk in clinic we go.
So, it's not 10 pm. Matthew is sleeping and all better. The dayhome lady is going to have fun tomorrow as he's supposed to run around without a diaper as much as possible :O) and I get to start this all over again in 6 1/2 hours.
But as bad as it may have seemed, I wouldn't change my life for the world :O) Good night.
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