Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Uh Oh....

.... hmm, as a Mom, there are certain things in the "baby book" that kids should be able to do by a certain age.

Like clapping - should be able to do it by 10 months.... I know Matthew knows how to, but he refuses, I have yet to see him clap.

Or, "how big are you?" ... I've done it a zillion times, yet, he won't do it when asked.

Or, "Pat-a-cake"... no siree, doesn't want any part of it.

But, he did learn to crawl by 7 1/2 months. He did walk before his first birthday, and he can climb up and down the stairs with ease and onto our furniture. He knows how to pick the picture of the phone or the cat or dog out of all the flashcards, so I haven't done too bad.

....now here's something I never meant to teach him and he's caught on with ease. Go figure. The other day, Matthew said "uh oh".... I did a double take wondering if he just made some noises that came out sounding like that.... A little later on he made the same sounds as "uh oh", but as "mmm mmmm".... Darren and I looked at each other and laughed. Now whenever he hears us say "uh oh" when something falls, or he drops something... it's followed by Matthew's "uh oh" as well!

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