Sunday, September 30, 2007

Yummy, yummy, yummy....

Well, I concede defeat. Actually, my boobs concede defeat! What I mean is, I have come to the conclusion that there is no way, that we alone, can keep Matthew full and satisfied until 6 months. Yes..... health nurses close your ears now.... I started Matthew on cereal. Not quite sure if I'm happy or sad about that!?! Happy because it's an exciting next step, I guess, but sad, because it's one more thing that makes him less of a "little" baby...

So, anyways... lately, Matthew has reverted back to newbornhood. He has been wanting to eat every 2 hours or so round the clock (3 hours or so at night)... for a while, he had been sleeping at a 6 hour stretch, but not anymore. So, they say that that's one of the signs. And around supper time, I can feed him and he'll immediately still be wanting more. That's another sign, I guess.

So, he got his first taste on Friday night. He took a baby spoonfull or two and licked his lips, but didn't seem too interested.

I tried again tonight. Well! It took about 5 spoonfulls and then he figured out what we were doing... this was food!!!!! Yipee!!! You'd have thought he'd never seen food before.... oh yeah, he hadn't seen food before... anyways... from that point on, he was opening his mouth like a little bird and babbling to me constantly! More than I've ever heard him talk! I think he was trying to tell me that it was about time that he got something real to eat! So, we finished the customary 1 tablespoon mixed with 3x the amount of formula, lickedy-split! So far so good, doesn't seem like he has a tummy ache!

So, I guess we're one more step down the road... we're going to take this one slow though. Only baby cereal for the next 6 weeks (until 6 months)... then we'll try the really good stuff. If Matthew things plain rice cereal is good, wait until he tries beans!! (well, maybe we'll go with peaches or carrots first :O)

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