Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Word of the Day

I cannot get over how quickly the words are coming these days! I swear Matthew says at least 2-3 new things every day!

Today, I came home and the first thing he spit out to meet in perfect clarity was "apple juice".. Not just apple, but apple juice! It was very cute.

Yesterday, he mastered waffle.

Tonight, reading our books, he pointed out that the teacher in "spot goes to school" is "miss Bear"

And finally the word "yes" with an sssss came out, not just ya, ya, ya.

I wonder what tomorrow's word will be?!? :o)

1 comment:

Julie said...

Isn't it just wild the words they get every day? I am in awe of Max every day. And it is new words everyday isn't it? It's crazy.

I can't believe that Matthew is already potty training. Max doesn't even tell us when he poops and has no interest at all in the toilet. Maybe we should get a potty for him to sit on and get into it. Oh to be out of diapers!!