Sunday, June 28, 2009

This and That

..... Matthew absolutely loves our strawberry patch. He checks it every day, telling me "this one's red Mommy!" to which I have to reply, "No, that one's not quite red enough yet... sorry buddy!" ... and then he usually goes and picks it when I'm not looking anyway!

We have a pesky Robin who also thinks that he is as much entitled to the strawberry patch as Matthew is. I feel so bad when we go out and find one that is ripe, only to pick it and find out it has little beak marks in it! I think I'll have to make a trip to the garden centre for some netting soon... I'm betting my lettuce crop is next on his list. Sheesh! It was the bunny last year, and now the robin!

Tia gave him a run for his money on Saturday. He didn't see her laying right beside the strawberry patch. I heard a big kerfuffle and some squawking and turned around and there must have been 30 feathers in the air!

And just for fun, here's a cat with an attitude, who was ticked that he just got caught escaping from the backyard, yet again.....


In other news, Matthew has been asking the famous "What's that Mommy?" for a few months now. I swear he must ask 300 times some days! My neighbour warned me a while back that it gets better...

Today, while settling down for his nap, Matthew asked me what the noise was that he heard. "That's Daddy mowing the lawn outside", I replied. He contemplated for a moment, and then I heard....


And from then on, it has been...

"Matthew it's time for supper." WHY?????

"Matthew it's hair wash night." WHY???? "Because your hair is dirty!" WHY??

And you can imagine the fun we're going to have from here!! I thought making up "what's" were hard enough, but "why" is going to be a whole lot more fun!


While reading a story tonight, Matthew saw a picture of a kangaroo riding on a bike! I was prepared for him to ask me what that was or why the kanagroo was on a bike, but instead he said "Kangaroo's not wearing a helmet!!"

Yes, naughty kangaroo!! He was quite concerned. Maybe I should colour one in the book! Wow, nothing gets past Mr. M.

1 comment:

Julie said...

love the new wall paper. And the look that the cat is giving you is exactly what we get from our oldest cat. Who said cat's are dumb!

Max's is all over the what's that too. He did the why thing for a day or two and has stopped. But I know it's going to come back!