Monday, August 24, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We attempted to go to Banff this past weekend... but it wasn't meant to be!

We packed up after I got home from work on Friday and drove to meet Daddy who was golfing with Uncle Clint in Kananaskis. We got as far as the exit of Auburn Bay when Matthew proclaimed "I have to poop!".. "Really?" I said, I mean, he didn't have to go 5 minutes ago when we left. So, we turned around and headed back home.

45 minutes later.. we were ready to go again! Just then the phone rang and it was my neighbour. "are you busy?", she asked. "uh.. no..." I said, not quite sure how to answer... "ok, I'm bringing supper over!". She has a habit of doing this and she spoils us! Ok, I thought, guess this means we don't have to stop at McDonalds! It couldn't have been more perfect timing. So, we sat down and had a quick supper.

Try #2 to leave at about 5:30. We got as far as the second exit from our house on the freeway and Matthew said "Mommy, Pee is coming!"... ok, quick detour! I exited and went to the gas station parking lot only to find that he'd already peed his pants. And don't ask why I thought he could stay in his big boy undies before we left.... Pull up it was!

We got 5 more minutes down the road and hit a wall of traffic. I might have known this had I not had to already put Max and Ruby on the dvd player. The rule in our house is the DVD player is only used for long trips. Banff was classified as a long enough trip, so Matthew insisted the DVD be started the minute our wheels got rolling.

Apparently, someone spilled a bunch of diesel on the road, so we had to take a huge detour. We finally made it out of town and picked up Daddy and headed to Banff.

We had rented in what was supposed to be a very nice resort... but it wasn't. Well, at least the room they put us in wasn't. We were half in the basement, half not with only 1 little window in the bedroom (like a basement one) and one under the carport. The bathroom was so small you couldn't fit 2 people in it at once and the bath tub looked yucky. There was NO airconditioning and there were two queen beds that had mattress covers on them that didn't stay still... i.e. it seemed like a lump of blankets under the sheets.

Poor Matthew... cried and said he wanted to go home and didn't want to stay in the "crappy" hotel. We had a fan running full blast on us all night, but no one really slept at all.

We got up the next morning, tried to have a better outlook on things and went into town. We did have a very nice lunch together and Matthew was well behaved for us!

(a few pictures from the blackberry...)

Enjoying his milk....

Goofing off with Daddy....

Future Bono....

So after lunch, we went back to the hotel and tried to put Matthew down for a nap, and again he cried to go home. By now, we were all feeling like we were forcing ourselves to stay somewhere that wasn't feeling much like a vacation at all. So, we renegotiated the rate from the night before and checked out.

We got home about 4 and enjoyed the rest of our weekend in our home, sweet home...

p.s. we will try the weekend away again, but not unless I know someone who has stayed at a place before! You can't trust what those websites say!

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