Monday, August 13, 2007

I can't believe he's 3 months old!

Matthew turned 3 months old yesterday! 3 months already? I better not blink or he'll be walking... :o)

Today we went to an infant repositioning class. It was supposed to give you ideas on how to help prevent the flat spots on their heads. They didn't really tell or show us anything that wasn't common sense (like don't lay on the flat side... duh) or anything I hadn't already found on the internet (how did people do it before the days of the internet!?!) but it was an eye opener in terms of how big Matthew really is!

There were four babies ~ each were between 3-4 months old and Matthew looked like a 6 month old next to them! Matthew just seems so much like a little boy to me rather than a "baby".... it must be all the hair that does it. My baby is 16lb now and not slowing down!

Anyhow, I thought I'd just tell you a bit more about Dr. Patti, Matthew's chiropractor. The reason being, because I think a lot people assume (myself included at first) that she will do the same type of adjustments on Matthew that she would do for an adult. Anyone who has never been to a chiropractor (again, myself included) has only heard of the "they snap your neck to the side" kind of thing.

At our class today, the physiotherapist questioned whether the doctor was "snapping" his neck.... oh my goodness no! You think I'd let them do that to my baby?!? As Dr. Patti explains it, babies are mostly cartelidge, so the minimalist amount of pressure (we're talking I could barely feel it when she pressed on my arm) will align their spine. So, no.... no crazy movements (I expected better out of a physiotherapist)... and Dr. Patti specializes in baby care, so we feel 100% comfortable with her! We saw 100% improvement in the first week in that he would not turn his head to the left on his own before seeing her and now he prefers sleeping on the left most of the time!

Talk to you soon,

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