We had to take him to Peter Lougheed as that is where they have the lights for what they call "billy babies". The nurses in Emerg were awesome! They took us in right away, and although we had to sit in a small room from about 9:30 until 4:00, they were always checking on us and even brought us lunch
Matthew was the hit of the ER.. everyone was talking about the "newborn" and wanted to come see him and tell us how cute he was! I felt bad for the nurses that had to do all of the tests on him though (they did a full work up on him just to make sure there wasn't something else that was wrong)... none of them wanted to hurt him and probably didn't have much practise on such a small patient! It also probably didn't help that they had a first time mom that couldn't bear the sight of her little baby getting poked and prodded. I made sure that I removed myself from the room at that time and left Matthew in Daddy's hands.. but Daddy says he was a great patient and didn't hardly cry at all.
At around 4pm, we checked into the Peter Lougheed Centre "Resort" for a one night stay and some fun in the sun. Matthew as admitted and spent 20 hours under the lamps to help clear his jaundice. He had a great time suntanning as you can see in the pictures below! It was his mom and dad who had lots of fun trying to share a single hospital bed for the night between the two of us!
He is all better now, is much more alert and is waking up on his own frequently to feed. I think he probably is making up for the first week and so we'll probably have some sleepless nights ahead. But we don't mind, we're just thank-ful that everything is back on track!
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