Monday, November 24, 2008

Don't Underestimate them.....

This story starts with Mommy buying a potty for Matthew on Friday because both Grandma's have been telling me how interested he is in the potty. I kept sluffing it off saying it was just that he likes to flush the big toilet!

So, I come home with the potty and Matthew sees it right away! He gets very excited and calls it "pot pot"... first we get him to sit on it in the middle of the foyer... just for fun.

Then, we take it into the bathroom and he is insistant that he sit on it! He even wants the door closed.. and lo and behold, he did poopoo and peepee! We couldn't believe it... he knew exactly what to do!

Saturday, he tried lots of times, but didn't have to go.. Sunday morning... same thing... he did his business and while Mommy was praising him, he looked at me like, "really Mom.. this is what you're supposed to do.. why are you making such a big deal?"

...but then he pooped in his pants last night and doesn't want to sit on the potty today.

I'm not pushing him. He's still too little.. for now, I'm just fine with diapers and he can sit on the potty whenever he wants....


update: So, we're in Sears this morning and Matthew starts saying "pott pott"... I say do you have to go potty? And of course he says yes! So, now I'm thinking, does he really have to go? Is there any chance he'll actually go in a washroom? (yeah right)... but he keeps saying "pott pott pott" over and over. So we wheel downstairs, buy one of those potty seats that fits in the toilet and head up to the washrooms. Of course, as I thought, as soon as he saw them, he freaked out. I did learn though, that Southcentre now has an awesome "family" bathroom (it's bigger than my ensuite) that is private and has a little wee one toilet for the little guys to go in... what a great idea!!! I hope more malls have these things because I can see this potty thing becoming an issue in the future.. I really don't want to be lugging a potty with me when we go out....

1 comment:

Julie said...

Holy cow! That's crazy awesome! Way to go Matthew. Max still has no idea about the whole potty thing. Buying one hasn't even crossed my mind. I think he said peepee the other day though. Maybe I should look into it.

Again, aweseom!