Monday, January 5, 2009


Right now it's 5pm. On Mondays I teach piano, so I'm expecting my first student in 15 minutes. All I can hear from upstairs is loads and loads of giggles! Why? Well, Matthew's best friend, Brendan, our 12 year old next-door neighbour is over babysitting.

Brendan comes over every Monday for an hour to play with Matthew. It started out because Darren couldn't get home from work before I started teaching, but since his mom has been looking after Matthew, we haven't really needed Brendan to babysit, but I still ask him to come every week because Matthew absolutely loves playing with him!

Today, I was out shovelling the front when I got home and Brendan came home from school. Matthew caught a glimpse of him in the window and for the next half hour, all he could do was ask for Brendan and point at the window!

So hey, Mom gets a few minutes to blog, and Matthew gets a while to have some fun with his buddy!

p.s. In staying to the true nature of 2 Little Feet, which is supposed to be all about Matthew, I was finding that I was longing for my own blog where I can chat about whatever is on my mind... so check out blog #2, when you get a sec!

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