Sunday, November 2, 2008

They Should Go on Tour....

"Ok Token... Are you ready for our duet??"

"How 'bout a little Elton John today??"

".... we were hopping and bopping to the crocodile rock..."

"Thank-you! Thank-you Ladies and Gentlemen!!"

editors note: (the cat really does play the piano, it has been witnessed, just never yet caught on video)....

1 comment:

Julie said...

OK, that's just too cute. I love that the cat was playing with him. Get that on video and it would be worth something on AFV!

As to continue our parrallel lives, I am currently listening to Elton John's Mad Man Across the Water as I red this post. And Max has an aviator jacket as well. I'll send you a pic when I get home!

Have a good one.
