Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I wasn't so sure how Halloween was going to go yesterday.... since Matthew flat out refused to put on the cute little lion costume that I bought him! Well, actually, I did get it on him for 23 seconds... but he's smart enough to know it has a zipper down the front and could take it off in no time flat.

He was quite curious about this Halloween thing though as I started to get the treats out and put the pumpkin on the front step... It was such a nice day out (I can NEVER remember a Halloween that was as warm as it was yesterday!

So as the time drew nearer to join the festivities, I had to come up with a back-up plan... and the result? Meet my little Pilot (aka Maverick).. no cute little lion, but what was I gonna do?

I didn't really plan to take Matthew trick-or-treating, instead thought he could just help hand out candy... but it didn't take him long to figure out that all the other kids were walking around and he wanted to go too!

So, I left the bowl of Candy on the front porch and off we went around out cul-de-sac. By house #2, he had it down pat: Walk up the steps.. knock on the door... Mommy says "trick-or-treat".... people say... "oh, aren't you cute!"...hold out the pail... get some bright colored packages!!... Mommy says "say Thank-you"... just stand there... Mommy says "say Bye"... wave bye-bye... go to the next house!


Mommy and Matthew negotiating the fact that it's time to go in for a bath...

Hope you had a great Halloween too!

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