Sunday, November 25, 2007

It's been a while....

It's been a while since I did an update on Matthew, so here goes!

Matthew is now 6 1/2 months old. He can sit very well on his own! I still often still put back up pillows all around him, but he doesn't fall over very often any more!

He's not into playing on his tummy that much anymore, everything's about sitting! They say that they need to play on their tummies to learn how to crawl. Hmmm....

Just in the last few days, he's been sleeping on his tummy a lot more. I still put him on his back in the crib, but he often flips over. This afternoon, I actually had to wake him up from a nap because he was still sleeping at 6pm. (from about 4:30 or so.) I've neeevver done that before! He sleeps with his bum in the air, almost like he's on his knees. It's really cute, but I'm not sure why he finds it comfortable?!?

I've also noticed in just the past few days that he's starting making different sounds. It really sounds like he's trying to say something now! He also often "speaks" when we're looking at something or when his cereal comes, so I definitely see him trying to communicate more.

I've just barely started to teach him sign language. Supposedly 6 months is a good age to start. It takes months and months for them to actually respond with signs, but I have heard so many good things about it that I figure, why not? The funny thing is, Matthew seems so into it! First I have to learn the signs and right now all I seem to remember is milk! So, whenever I give him a sip of milk in his high chair, I make the sign. He laughs every time! I guess milk is a funny sign!

Matthew's current favourite song is I'm a little Teapot. This is because I help him make the hand gestures (just because I think he looks adorable when he does it) and then the song ends by being tipped from side to side.. he loves this part!

We're reading more and more books these days. The ones with the pictures have now caught his attention ~ meaning he's actually looking at the pictures, not just eating it! We're also trying to read a story every day. I've found, on the suggestion of a friend, that it's best for both of us to lie on our backs and read with the book in the air. I have no idea why, but this works. Try read to him in your lap though, and he squirms and tries to grab the book. Who knew?

This week, we start a class called Edu Play. It is once a week and is a combination of singing, stories, etc. for 6-12 month olds. I'm sure we'll have lots to tell, and I hope it will be a lot of fun!

Well, Matthew is sound asleep at 7:57 p.m. so I'm off to clean the kitchen!


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