Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Don't worry we're still here....

Sorry I haven't written for a while... I'm in one of those ruts.. sometimes I feel like writing every day, then other times not...

We're good, but already have cabin fever and it's only like the second day of winter! Luckily, my friend Andrea and I agreed to trade babies once and a while... I had Kate for an hour or so yesterday and on Friday, Matthew's going to go play with Kate while Mommy shops for a little while.

Yesterday, Matthew and I had our first edu play class. It was pretty fun, although, I can see it getting more and more fun as he gets older. His attention was here and there, although at the end when we played with the parachute and the bubble machine.. he, along with all the other babies, paid very close attention!!!

I can't believe it's December already! Yikes, time is flying by!

I hope to have some pictures up again soon. Will write more soon.


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