Thursday, November 29, 2007

Matthew and Kate

Matthew and Kate had a playdate the other day. Boy, were they ever cute to photograph!
It would take me all night to put all the pictures on the blog, so you can find them on our flickr page here.

But, these are a few of my favourites!

Who me?

Look at those blue eyes!

Best buddies (they put their arms around each other themselves, I swear!!)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Don't worry we're still here....

Sorry I haven't written for a while... I'm in one of those ruts.. sometimes I feel like writing every day, then other times not...

We're good, but already have cabin fever and it's only like the second day of winter! Luckily, my friend Andrea and I agreed to trade babies once and a while... I had Kate for an hour or so yesterday and on Friday, Matthew's going to go play with Kate while Mommy shops for a little while.

Yesterday, Matthew and I had our first edu play class. It was pretty fun, although, I can see it getting more and more fun as he gets older. His attention was here and there, although at the end when we played with the parachute and the bubble machine.. he, along with all the other babies, paid very close attention!!!

I can't believe it's December already! Yikes, time is flying by!

I hope to have some pictures up again soon. Will write more soon.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

It's been a while....

It's been a while since I did an update on Matthew, so here goes!

Matthew is now 6 1/2 months old. He can sit very well on his own! I still often still put back up pillows all around him, but he doesn't fall over very often any more!

He's not into playing on his tummy that much anymore, everything's about sitting! They say that they need to play on their tummies to learn how to crawl. Hmmm....

Just in the last few days, he's been sleeping on his tummy a lot more. I still put him on his back in the crib, but he often flips over. This afternoon, I actually had to wake him up from a nap because he was still sleeping at 6pm. (from about 4:30 or so.) I've neeevver done that before! He sleeps with his bum in the air, almost like he's on his knees. It's really cute, but I'm not sure why he finds it comfortable?!?

I've also noticed in just the past few days that he's starting making different sounds. It really sounds like he's trying to say something now! He also often "speaks" when we're looking at something or when his cereal comes, so I definitely see him trying to communicate more.

I've just barely started to teach him sign language. Supposedly 6 months is a good age to start. It takes months and months for them to actually respond with signs, but I have heard so many good things about it that I figure, why not? The funny thing is, Matthew seems so into it! First I have to learn the signs and right now all I seem to remember is milk! So, whenever I give him a sip of milk in his high chair, I make the sign. He laughs every time! I guess milk is a funny sign!

Matthew's current favourite song is I'm a little Teapot. This is because I help him make the hand gestures (just because I think he looks adorable when he does it) and then the song ends by being tipped from side to side.. he loves this part!

We're reading more and more books these days. The ones with the pictures have now caught his attention ~ meaning he's actually looking at the pictures, not just eating it! We're also trying to read a story every day. I've found, on the suggestion of a friend, that it's best for both of us to lie on our backs and read with the book in the air. I have no idea why, but this works. Try read to him in your lap though, and he squirms and tries to grab the book. Who knew?

This week, we start a class called Edu Play. It is once a week and is a combination of singing, stories, etc. for 6-12 month olds. I'm sure we'll have lots to tell, and I hope it will be a lot of fun!

Well, Matthew is sound asleep at 7:57 p.m. so I'm off to clean the kitchen!


Friday, November 23, 2007

It would have to be today......

that Matthew wanted to sleep for a long nap, and Mommy had to wake him up!

Today, we had a session booked with a photographer for Matthew's 6 month pictures and also family pictures. Unfortunatately, Daddy couldn't get out of work, so just I went with Matthew.

My normally happy go lucky baby cried through the entire session... well, he almost cracked a smile once or twice and not until the photographer's son came home from school and made him laugh!

Oh well, c'est la vie as I always say! I think next time, Daddy's going to do the pictures (well, except for the family picture) or I'm all game for the photographer who comes to your house... I bet Matthew would be waayyy more comfortable in his own house!

I'll be sure to post the pictures (even though they're copyrighted) when I get them ;o)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Just another day

Sometimes, I think my husband must wonder what I do all day, when it seems like I've done absolutely nothing around the house when he gets home. Little does he know...

Today was one of "those" days... all moms know what I'm talking about. One of "those" days where you just couldn't seem to get much done! Ours went like this:

5:15 a.m. Matthew gets up to eat. Mommy feeds him and puts him back to bed, praying he'll sleep for at least another hour.

6:45 a.m. Matthew is whining in his crib. Not crying, but whining. But, it's persistant, so he must be ready to get up. Mommy goes to get Matthew and brings him back to bed with Mommy and Daddy for a few minutes. Matthew wants to eat again. ok!

7:15 a.m. Mommy gets up with Matthew, changes his diaper and goes downstairs to start the day! Matthew sits down in the middle of the floor and plays and Mommy finishes packing Daddy's lunch. The cats are sitting patiently by their dish and looking at me, but they'll have to wait until later.

8:00 a.m. Mommy and Matthew kiss Daddy good-bye and wish him a good day. Time for Matthew's breakfast! Matthew actually ate today.

8:15 a.m. Time to talk to Grandma on the computer for a few minutes.

8:45 a.m. Time for nap #1. Matthew is already rubbing his eyes. Matthew goes down. Mommy makes a beeline for the kitchesn. Empty dishwasher. Put in load of laundry. Wash dishes. Take out vacuum cleaner. Matthew wakes up.

9:45 a.m. Time to play with Matthew. Usually we play upstairs in the morning. Mommy remembers that she hasn't showered yet, so we move playtime to the exercauser in Mommy's bathroom.

10:30 a.m. Time for milk snack. Then more playing. Oops, run down and put the laundry in the dryer.

11:00 a.m. Attempt #1 to go out. We need a snowsuit. Matthew is rubbing his eyes though. Does he need another nap? I don't want him to be crabbing when we go... let's see what he does. Matthew sleeps for 15 minutes then gets up again.

11:30 a.m. Mommy thinks about going out again. Oh, but it's just about lunch time, and if we go out now, he'll be hungry by the time we get back. Ok. Lunchtime first.

12:15 p.m. Lunch is finished. Playtime again. Try at least put 1 dish in the dishwasher. Milk for dessert.

12:40 p.m. Matthew falls asleep during dessert. Mommy puts Matthew in crib and thinks she'll lay down for 20 min. Sets timer. Timer rings. Mommy still wants to nap, so she lays back down.

1:45 p.m. Matthew wakes up. Naps are over! Ok, time to go out? Well, I'd better let him stretch and play a bit before making him sit in the carseat for an hour. Jolly jumper time!

2:30 p.m. Finally, we get ready to go out. Coats on, boots on, mitts, alarm set, got the keys? Mommy's wallet, diaper bag... oh and can't forget Matthew! Lock the door. Matthew in the truck. Uh oh, Matthew only has one boot one! Where's the other one? Oh well, Mommy remembers there's another pair of boots in the stroller in the back. It's easier to get those than to go back in the house.

3:30 p.m. Matthew tries on and likes very expensive baby snowsuit.. it's the first and only one we've found that is 24 months, which seems to be the size required for my very long baby! Ok, it's blue, so if you ever have a sister, she's gonna have to wear blue too!

4:00 p.m. get home. Oh crap, didn't get anything started for supper yet! Matthew, jolly jumper time again? Get out potatoes for fries and make hamburgers.

4:45 p.m. Matthew's getting fussy. Let's see if he'll have a quick nap so he doesn't want to go to bed at 6 pm again. No such luck.

5:15 p.m. Matthew's supper

6:30 p.m. Daddy's home! Play with Daddy. Time for bath. Time for bottle.

7:30 p.m. Time for bed!! Phew! We're pooped!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Woohoo! I'm 20 pounds!

Hi everyone! It's me, Matthew, blogging again today!

Guess what??? Today I went to the doctor for my 6 month check up and I weighed exactly 20 lbs!!! Wow, I'm a big boy! My mommy says that some kids don't weigh 20 pounds until they're almost a year old!

Everything went well at the doctors today. I had fun trying to grab his heart listening thing and his look in your ears thing! I did not like the stick it in your mouth thing... I gagged and coughed and sputtered and put on quite a show to let the doctor know I didn't like it!

I also put on quite a show during all of my meals for Mommy today! At breakfast, I had my first temper tantrum! I wanted Mommy's spoon. I did not want any of the other spoons she tried to give me.. just hers! When she wouldn't let me have it, I started to cry big crocodile tears and bang my fists on the high chair! Mommy just looked at me and laughed. She said that if I'm big enough to throw a tantrum already, then I'm big enough to learn that I can't get my way all of the time. I stopped crying as soon as she picked me up and forgot about the spoon, but that was the end of my breakfast!

I was better at lunch, except, I figured out it's really funny when you put your lips together and blow at the same time that your mouth is full of food! I did this over and over, each time Mommy tried to feed me! Mommy says my high chair has to go through the car wash now!

At supper tonight, I decided I wanted the spoon again, so eating wasn't much fun. Oh well, at least I'm starting to like my chicken, so that's one more food Mommy can knock off her list!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I got to bath in the big tub!

Hi everyone, it's me, Matthew blogging today!
Today was a pretty fun day! This morning, Mommy and I went grocery shopping. It was very cold outside... minus 5! Mommy says it's going to get a lot colder. It's a good think I have my fancy new snowsuit. I'll be sure to post a picture the first time I wear it! For now, I am wearing my winter jacket with warm clothes underneath, my Robeez boots and my oilers toque! Mommy had to cover up my baby seat with a blanket also, because she didn't want me to breathe in the cold air.

I was pretty good in the store. I didn't cry, I just sighed very loudly a few times because I was getting bored. It made the other customers laugh!

Mommy said it is easier to shop when she makes a good list that has everything organized by each area. She says it makes the trip much faster! She also says it helps when I fall asleep when we're standing in the checkout line, because then she doesn't have to pack groceries as fast!

This afternoon, Mommy and I played. I didn't want to nap at all this afternoon. Yesterday, I napped for 3 hours in the afternoon! I figure that's enough for at least the next 3 days.

Mommy brought me some new stuff to play with... plastic bowls and lids! She also gave me a wee little wooden spoon, just like the ones she uses in the kitchen. We had fun putting stuff in and out of our bowls and turning them upside down on the floor. Mommy even put beans inside of one of the bowls (with the lid on tight of course), but this made a loud noise, and I didn't really like it. Mommy says it is fine with her if I don't like loud noises just yet!

Mommy got all excited this afternoon when a tv show called Oprah came on. She had to phone Daddy at work to tell him that her most faaavvvvourite singer in the whole world was on Oprah... Josh Groban!! Mommy says that she has a crush on Josh, but not to tell Daddy ;o)

Mommy made turkey meatball soup for Daddy's supper tonight. Mommy is still trying to feed both Daddy and me baby food! Mommy makes the baby food for me and then she hides it in Daddy's food! So far, she has successfully hidden in it lots of things, but I can't say what just in case Daddy is reading this blog (he he)

Tonight was the most fun of all!
I got to bath in the big tub!!!!! Mommy says that because I'm always trying to sit up in my little tub, it was time for me to move to the big tub. She had a special ring that suctioned itself to the bottom of the tub. When I sit in it, I don't go anywhere! Mommy still keeps one hand on my just in case, but It was stuck really good to the bottom of the tub and I wasn't going nowhere!

I thought it was quite funny that I could see my reflection in the overflow knob thingy on the tub. Mommy and I were making funny faces into it! I also liked playing with my toys and kicking my toes to splash the water! Mommy likes to take one of my toys under the water and make bubbles!! Now that I am sitting in the tub, I can see the bubbles. I think they're very funny!

So, now I need to make sure that I ask Santa for more bath toys! Those little squirty things that Mommy bought me just aren't going to cut it for much longer!

Well, I'm off to bed now. Tomorrow is a big day. I have my 6 month check up and then I have to go to the Children's Hospital to see some doctors about the shape of my head. Don't worry though, my pediatrician, Dr. Kelly, thinks that my head shape will turn out ok, so I probably don't need to wear one of those funny helmets. But, we're going for an appointment just to make sure!

See you tomorrow.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Our Trip to Banff

Well, we survived the first stay in a hotel as a family! We are back safe and sound from our trip to Banff this weekend, and we had a great time!

We arrived in Banff on Friday afternoon. Neither Darren or I had ever been to the Banff Springs Hotel, so we were both excited to see the place as well! Matthew did pretty well on the drive out there, but got fussy as we entered the park. One quick bottle did the trick.

I had taken what I call the "emergency" bottles with me. These are little glass bottles of formula (about a 1/2 bottle worth) that are ready to serve, you just screw off the top! I keep them in my diaper bag. They are perfect for a little top up! You don't have to worry about keeping a bottle cold, therefore, I just carry and empty bottle and the formula bottles and open one up whenever I need it!

We didn't do much on Friday. Matthew was pretty much ready for his evening routine as soon as we got to the hotel. Here is Matthew getting his supper in the "Royal Chair"... it actually didn't work all that well, and we ended up just feeding him propped up on the bed.

Matthew got to enjoy his first bath in the sink!

Saturday morning, we were up bright and early at 6am. My company was hosting
a 45th Anniversary celebration. There were close to 1000 of us there! We had breakfast and then headed in for the program part of the day which lasted from 8:30 until 1:30. Matthew did pretty well... Darren and I took shifts entertaining him out in the foyer while the other listened to the program.

Saturday afternoon pretty much was nap time for all of us! It was too cold to take Matthew outside for a walk, so we just hung out in our hotel room. I went to browse through the very expensive shops!

Here is the view from our bedroom window. It doesn't get much better than that!

I was determined to get a picture of the Canadian flag that I intend to use for some Christmas cards that I have to send overseas... finally, I got the flag to fly in the proper direction!

Matthew seemed to love playing in his playpen. I think he thought he had his own little house all to himself!

Saturday night, we had a dinner and dance to attend. Our friends Clint and Carla drove up from Calgary to babysit Matthew for us. When they arrived, I told them that Matthew had done a poopy in his diaper earlier in the day, so they shoudln't have to worry about changing anything messy. Oops! I was wrong! As Clint described it... he was doubled over holding his nose with one hand and Matthew's feet with the other, while Carla used half of the box of wipes to get Matthew clean! Whatever does the trick!

Matthew allowed me to get through my supper before he decided to make a big fuss upstairs. So, Mommy had to make the long walk back to the hotel to calm him down with.... what else... the boob. Works every time. Just, eventually, we'd like to go out and not be 5 minutes away, so we're going to have to work on that.

So, I missed dessert, but oh well, I didn't really need it anyways! It wasn't too late of a night for us, as our babysitters were driving back to Calgary and it was snowing, so we didn't want them to be on the road very late.

Sunday morning, we tried to sleep in, but oh, yeah... we have a 6 month old... he doesn't know the meaning of the word sleep in! Good morning!

Here's Matthew enjoying his breakfast in bed!

We headed back to town shortly after breakfast, with one last stop......

No trip is complete without a souvenir t-shirt, after all!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

What a fun day at the mall!

Matthew and I decided to have a fun day at the mall today! Actually, it wasn't going to be an entire day in the beginning, but Matthew was being such a good baby that I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to shop and shop and shop!

We went over ot Market Mall, which for those of you who don't live in Calgary is one of the nicer malls in the city. I particularly like it because they have this nursing room which is totally separated from the bathroom with big, comfy, leather chairs and soft music playing. It's great for some down time!

Matthew and I were still looking for some last minute things for our trip to Banff tomorrow. We're off to Banff until Sunday, so we'll blog all about it when we get back!

Matthew bought a new snowsuit, a Baby's first Christmas ornament for our tree, some plastic bowls with lids for eating cereal and a portable high chair that folds into a little case... it's pretty cool!

Mommy bought some clothes that cost her wayyy too much money. Oh well!

Anyhow, have a great weekend and we'll talk to you soon!

I should know better.....

So, this morning we were happily eating our cereal and watching the trucks zoom by outside like we always do.

Matthew has been trying to drink out of a sippy cup, but he hasn't quite figured out the ones with the valves (that don't leak), so I was using a little disposable cup. But, it has a plastic spout and "they" (whoever they are) say that you're not supposed to use the rigid spouts because it's bad for their teeth development (i.e. they support orthadontist's careers).

So, I've just been giving him his formula in the highchair straight out of the cup. He drinks suprisingly well out of the cup and seems to like it better! He always reaches for more after he has some.

This cup wasn't really a "cup" with a nice edge to sip from. So, I thought I'd go get one of the plastic baby glasses out of the cupboard. Now, I'm sure you can guess where this is headed.

oops.... I kind of forgot to take the sippy cup base off of the high chair. Yes, I do know better but my mind was fixated on getting the drinking cup I guess and I forgot. I literally turned around for 5 seconds. Just as I was turning back and right like it was out of the movies, Matthew flings the cup across the kitchen. Swoosh! All over the floor, all over Mommy's feet and lucklily not all over Matthew!

Oh boy! Well, don't cry over spilled milk as they say. It was actually pretty funny although I didn't want to laugh to let Matthew think he could do it again. Guess I'm washing the floor again tonight!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Viewing Pictures on the Web

Hi everyone!

I've decided that I don't want the entire world to be able to view all of my photos, so I am making them visible to only my friends.

Right now, anyone in the world can look at them and I have noticed people from other corners of the world having a peek. In today's day and age, you just never know!

I would love for all of you who have been following our blog to be able to see our pictures. So, please send an e-mail to me.

I will then send you an e-mail with instructions on how to sign up for an account on Flickr. It only takes a few minutes and after that you will always be able to view our pictures.

Thanks for your understanding!


E-mail to

Monday, November 12, 2007

Happy 1/2 Birthday to Me!

Wow! I'm 6 months old today! It's me, Matthew, blogging today in case you didn't notice.

Mommy says that this is my half birthday! She says that I have to wait until my full birthday though before I can have cake and presents! She said that only Uncle Mark gets to have presents and cake on his half birthday and that's just because his real birthday is on Christmas, so Grandma always felt sorry for him.

Mommy has put some new pictures of me on the web. My famous monthly shot with my puppy dog is there. The only thing different this time is...... I'm sitting up on my own! Yes, I've mastered that skill just in time for my half birthday! Today, I sat up for almost 15 minutes with no help from Mommy or Daddy! I love sitting... it's much more fun than having to stare at the ceiling all the time or look at everybody's feet!

Tomorrow, I have to go see the evil needle lady again. Except this time, Mommy and Daddy have to get needles too! I hope they won't cry. I'll tell them to be brave just like me!

Then, later in the week, I am going on a road trip with Mommy and Daddy! We are going to Banff and we will be staying in a hotel. I hope I have lots of fun!!!

Click Here to see New pictures of me: 6 month pictures

Saturday, November 10, 2007

My Little Dancer

I have forgotten to mention that Matthew has become my new two-step partner.
I'll never get his Daddy to go out dancing, so dancing with Matthew in the living room is the next best thing.

After all, some day, when we're at a wedding and he doesn't dare want to be seen dancing with his mother... I'll have to pull this blog out and read it to him!

Matthew finds it quite hilarious to dance around in circles while Mommy sings. His current favourites are.... Ring of Fire, Mr. Mom and the old standby, Fishing in the Dark.

Usually we dance first thing in the morning, because that's when all the good songs seem to come on, and we're both still in our pj's.

hmm.... good thing I keep the blinds closed in the morning!

Friday, November 9, 2007

I finally got the floor washed!

Ok, so my floor has gotten to the point where it's disgusting. I mean, I vacuum it almost every day, but I always seem to have a hard time finding time to wash it. Well.
I hate to admit it, but my mom is right... washing with a mop just doesn't do as good of a job as getting down on your hands and knees and scrubbing away.

In the last few days, Matthew has decided that he's able to keep himself sitting up... for a few minutes.... until he topples to one side or the other. This is a big improvement in his world because up until this week, he just folded in half when you sat him down.

So, I came across something that I'd purchased at a garage sale. It's called the babysitter. It kind of looks like one of those nursing pillows. I bought it for 2 bucks I think and never really thought I'd make much use of it. Matthew has been propped up on it once or twice for pictures, but that's about it.

I never really understod why they called it the babysitter, because as far as I could tell, it sure as heck couldn't help them to sit up.

Until now!!! This is my new favourite thing!!!! It's kind of like a doughnut shape with a slot in the front. You wrap it around the baby while he's sitting and it keeps him from falling side to side! It doesn't prevent them from tipping forwards or backwards though which is why I thought it was useless until now.

Anyways, to make a long story short. Matthew sat propped up on the edge of the living room area with his babysitter pillow around him and a few toys and sat for the entire time it took me to wash the kitchen floor.

What an accomplishment for both of us!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

It was a Beeeeeautiful Day!

Hi everyone! It's me, Matthew, blogging today.
Guess what I did today?
I went to see my very first movie in a real movie theatre! It was so much fun!
First, I went with my Mommy to meet her friend Angela and her baby Kevin at a place called Starbucks. I'd never been to Starbucks before, but there were so many different people and things to look at! I just sat in my stroller while Mommy and her friend had their drinks and I was a very good boy.

Then Mommy, Angela, Kevin and I went over to the movie theatre. It was in the same shopping mall. It's been a few weeks since I'd been to the shopping mall so I was amazed at everything there is to look at when your Mommy wheels you around! I love being able to sit up in my stroller like a big boy! It's like I have a little car to zoom around in!

When we got to the movie theatre, there were all kinds of bright colored lights all over the walls. They were very cool! Then, we went inside a room and there was the bigggggggest TV I've ever seen in my life!!!!!! Wowwwweeeee!!! I know Mommy doesn't let me watch tv too much at home, but she must have been saving up for this! The TV went from one side of the wall to the other! I couldn't stop watching it for the first little while!

But then it became even more exciting to look around at all of the other babies in the room. They were sitting with their mommies in chairs too, but because the rest of the chairs were higher than me, I could see all of them! I thought it was quite funny to see 100 different babies!

The movie that we went to see was called Bee Movie. It was pretty fun to watch. Lots of exciting colorful things to look at and funny bees flying around all over the place.

About half way through the movie, I started getting a bit fussy though. The same thing I usually do in church every week. But, in this place, Mommy didn't have a quiet room to take me to, so she went and stood in the walkway for a while. Evetually, I fell asleep and then Mommy went back to her chair. I missed the rest of the movie, but I had a great nap!

What a fun day! Mommy promises that she will take me out to do fun and exciting things more often, now that I can sit up like a big boy in my stroller and see the world around me. I wonder where we'll go next?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Miracle Makers

I normally would never use my blog to plug any type of charity, but I'm making an exception for this one because it's pretty important to me. So please forgive me this time!

Right now there is a radioathon going on for the Alberta Children's Hospital. They are looking for people to sign up to be Miracle Makers. Basically, they wil take $18 a month off your credit card or chequing, etc. for the next year. I've been a Miracle Maker since I moved to Calgary, and I can tell you. you really don't even notice it going out each month.

The thing is, Matthew and I have made 8 trips to Children's Hospital since he was born. THANKFULLY, we had minor issues - blood tests, an ECG, hip xray, physio and the head shape clinic, but I am extremely thankful that there is such a place to take your child that is so warm and bright and comforting for them.

Each time I was there, I couldn't help but almost feel guilty because I was bringing Matthew to the hospital for such trivial things when there were so many kids there that were really sick. I pray that we will never have to go there for anything more than what we've already been there for.

So for all of you in Alberta, please think about becoming a Miracle Maker. I know everyone is always hounded for money for so many things. But believe me, once you've been there, you are extremely thankful that we have such a place.

Alberta Children's Hospital Radioathon

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The joys of feeding an almost 6 month old

I tend to go in spurts as far as cooking is concerned. I'll have a run where I am ambitious and want to try new things, and fill up my freezer, etc. I'm in the middle of one of those runs right now. I've kind of been swept up with the Desperately Delicious book and have started pureeing and packaging my way to a full freezer of healthy food! I figured I was making food for Matthew already, so why not just puree more and save it in bigger chunks for me to use in recipes. I've decided I'm going to work my way through that entire book because it just seems too good to be true. You mean, you can hide vegetables in recipes and they'll actually still taste good.

So, I tried my very first recipe from the book ~ Applesauce muffins. Except they also contain butternut squash in them... sneaky hey! And you know what? They're pretty darn good! I was actually quite surprised. And the book is right. If I didn't tell you, there's no way you'd know I had squash in the batter.

Oh, and by the way, thank goodness the food strike is over. Matthew has happily ate his squash and his carrots for the last two days. I am beginning to get a picture of what the next ??? years of my life are going to be like. "today I like this... tomorrow I don't..."

Matthew's new game is blowing raspberry kisses. You know, where you put your lips together and blow and it makes a funny noise... like "pppppppppp" (that's all I could come up with to describe it). Yesterday and today, he's been doing it constantly and he thinks it's quite funny when you do it to him as well.

At lunch today, he decided to do that while he had a mouthful of carrots. Need I say more? Laughing baby. Mommy covered in carrots. I'm sure that's nothing though. There's got to be worse to come!

Lunch time is starting to be quite a game in our house as well! I try feed Matthew with the spoon. Matthew wants to grab the spoon. Mommy takes the spoon away. Matthew cries. Mommy gives Matthew the spoon back. Matthew laughs. 6 months old and alreay he knows how to get what he wants! Eventually, Mommy had to take the spoon away for good. Matthew cried. But only for 30 seconds, then he was onto something else. Ah hah! Mommy's onto him :O)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Howdy Doody!

Hi Everyone! It's me, Matthew blogging today. I thought I'd give everyone an update on what I've been up to!

Today was supposed to be something called a time change. I don't know what that was. It didn't affect me at all, but it seemed to affect my Mommy. She said she had to get up reaaaalll early. I guess I got up at 5:45 a.m. today and I was ready to stay up!

Tonight, Mommy wanted me to stay on my regular bedtime schedule, but that would mean that I would have to stay up an extra hour! I didn't know if I could do it because I had a pretty busy day and I didn't nap for long as usual. Mommy bathed me around 6pm and then we went and read stories, then I had a little bit of bottle and then we played in the upstairs room while Daddy watched the hockey game. Mommy eventually gave in and I went to bed around 7:30. I complained quite a bit tonight because I didn't want to go to bed, but Mommy made me go in my crib and then I fell asleep in about 3 minutes!

We went to church this morning. It was really snowy when we got up. Mommy said that I had to wear my snowsuit. But when she went to put it on me... gues what!!!.... it wouldn't fit. Mommy says that is beginning to be a theme around our house. She says that she can't buy me anything unless it's 2 sizes too big or I'm going to wear it right then and there!

I'm still growing like crazy! When my Grandma came to visit last week, she brought me new socks because she said I was getting to be a big boy and Mommy was still trying to make me wear little baby socks! So, today, Mommy went shopping for some more big boy socks for me, but she could only find the same ones that she bought me last time. So, I got the same socks as before, only these are supposed to be bigger!

I'm being a very good boy and eating all of my cereal up every day! Today, I even tried oatmeal cereal. Mommy said we had to add lots and lots of formula to it because it looked like wallpaper paste. But, I didn't seem to mind the taste at all. I don't think I could even really tell the difference from my rice cereal.

However, I decided this week that I don't want to eat any of the other stuff that Mommy is trying to give me. No more carrots. No more squash and No more apples! I refuse to open my mouth when Mommy tries to give me these foods. And if I laugh by accident and Mommy gets a spoonful in, I make a weird face and pretend that I'm going to start crying. Then, Mommy gives up and I don't have to eat the yucky food. Maybe I was just having an off week. I really liked my food last week, but this week not so much. We'll see about next week.

I am turning 6 months old next week. Did you know that? It's like a half birthday! I wonder if I'll have any more teeth by then. I'll keep you posted. Have a good week!


Saturday, November 3, 2007

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

We bought this mirror to go in our front entrance, but I've been kind of lazy about hanging it up. Now, Matthew has a lot of fun with it all the time, so either I buy him his own, or we have to leave it in the sun room!