Monday, January 12, 2009

There is nothing worse in the world....

....than when your baby is sick and you can't do anything to make him feel better. Poor Matthew caught himself some kind of nasty bacterial bug, so the doctor said, and it's had him wiped out since Thursday.

He's had a fever on and off but is on antibiotics now and seems a lot better tonight. Daddy commented that he didn't look like the same Matthew he saw last night, so that's a sign.

Matthew and I spent most of yesterday, yesterday night and today camped out on the couch in our bonus room. Of course, cuddling him and wiping snot 24 hours a day meant I was bound to get it too. Daddy hasn't caught it. Why don't Daddy's ever catch the bugs too? Oh but I should be thankful... I don't need to look after 2 babies at once!

Matthew actually slept quite well on the couch last night. His fever spiked at 103 last evening and that was a little scary for me seeing as how this is really the first time he's had something that has caused him that high of a fever. He was miserable but luckily some cool clothes and another dose of tylenol settled him down. We kept him on the couch on the doctor's suggestion that if his ears drained, he might avoid another ear infection, so regularly through the night I kept propping him up on his pillow.

Tonight though, I think he's ready to go back to his cribby. Mommy has to go back to work tomorrow, and I need to sleep in my bed too!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh Erin, poor both of you! I hope that Matthew is feeling better and that last night was better than Sunday. Keeping my fingers crossed that you don't get it as well.