Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I am spending Thanksgiving in Saskatoon with Grandma & Grandpa! We had to get up reaaalllllyyyy early on Saturday to come to Saskatoon! Mommy thought that by leaving in the car so early, I might sleep most of the way, but I fooled her! I was a good boy though. I didn't cry very much... just fussed a few times when I was hungry! Mommy had to feed me cereal in the car while we were moving because I just couldn't make it to Hanna, where Mommy and Daddy had planned to stop. That was an adventure!

So, here I am, all decked out in my Thanksgiving gear!

Then, here I am telling jokes to Uncle Mark and "Auntie" Bev...

This is me with my Great Grandpa Taylor...

Uncle Brian lifting me up soooo high!

This is my Nan playing with me....

I didn't nap the whole day... boy was I a tired baby last night! This morning, my Daddy left to go back to Calgary, but Mommy and I are staying until Wednesday. Today, Mommy and I had a big sleep on Mommy's bed. We slept for almost 2 hours! Both Mommy and I felt much better after that!

Tomorrow, we are going to hang out with Grandma all day! Maybe we will even go shopping. Then, I get to ride on the big airplane again! I'm not even 5 months old and I've ridden on the airplane 4 times already! Wow!

See you later!

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