Hi all,
Sorry I haven't written for a while, we've been busy!
Last week was Stampede week as I'm sure you all know... on Wednesday, Matthew and I went to my workplace, Spartan Controls, for their Stampede breakfast. It was quite a feat to get there by 7:30 am, but we made it! Everyone was excited to see Matthew and couldn't believe how big he's gotten... I even got a few comments ~ "he's not a baby, he's a little boy!!".... I think it was the little jeans and buckaroo shirt that did it :O)
Grandpa and Grandma came for a visit over the weekend after going to see the Bon Jovi concert in Edmonton and seeing Uncle Mark off to Europe. They babysat for us while Darren and I went to the Stampede on Friday night. It was fun, but same old, same old... at least we got to have "those little doughnuts"...
On Saturday, it was so terribly hot here that we all just about melted. On one hand, thank goodness Matthew is here because if I was pregnant right now..... but on the other hand, I feel so sorry for him because he get's very hot, especially when he's being held by someone... babies don't cool down as easily as adults, so we've bene trying to keep him in a cool room or give him baths throughout the day.. poor kid has basically been living in a diaper for the past few days.
Our next door neighbour has ordered us an air-conditioner through his company..... please God, let it get here soon!!!!!
Today, Matthew had a checkup with his pediatrician. He is growing well, except that he favours laying on one side of his head and is getting a bit of a flat spot and weak neck muscles on one side. We are going to start physio to see if we can get him to turn his head to the opposite side more... that means regular visits up to Children's hospital. It's a long drive, but I don't mind taking him there because it is such a bright, cheerful and child-friendly place.
Not much on the plate for the rest of the week... can't do much when it's so darn hot outside... can't even go for walks until way past his bedtime, so not worth it!
Everyone around us has been getting some wicked storms, but we've yet to see any at our house...we could use a good downpour right about now!
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