Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New Pictures!

I've uploaded some new pics.... there are more to come, sorry it's taken a while to get them on the computer!
Click on the link at the bottom of the page; they're under the 2 month folder.


Friday, July 27, 2007

I've been wishing for sleep.....

It's what every new mom wishes for, right? Just a few hours of uninterrupted sleep? Well, my little man is giving me that gift now... trouble is, I can't sleep! I stil wake up every few hours wondering why he hasn't woken up yet! Matthew has started going to bed between 7 and 9 for the past week and sleeping anywhere from 5 to 8 hours! I guess it will take some getting used to now that my brain has been programmed to wake me up every 3 hours on the nose!

You'd think I'd be jumping for joy at all the free time I will have now, but I don't know what to do with myself! Here I am at 9pm, Matthew's been in bed since 6:45 (today was an early day b/c he wouldn't sleep all afternoon) and all I can think of is I want to pick him up and take him in our "nap room" and rock him! But, I know better... let sleeping babies be....

hmmm.....Friday night television it is I guess :p

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My how they change...

It's crazy how fast babies change! I'm glad we purchased a video camera because Matthew is starting to do new things every day.
I will try see if I can put video of Matthew and his daily conversations with Mr. Worm. It is hilarious and gets Darren and I laughing every time!

In the past day or so, Matthew has started to 'talk' quite a bit! He's now commenting on all sorts of things and letting us know very loudly when he's unhappy with something!

He's also started to roll himself on his side and can start both his mobile and his aquarium with his feet. Yesterday I was working in the kitchen and he was sleeping and all of a sudden I heard the mobile playing over the monitor. I went upstairs and you should have seen the look on his face! He was so proud of himself that he had gotten the monkey to go round all by himself!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Matthew's New Friend

Matthew has a new friend! Mr. Worm.
Whenever I put Matthew on his play mat, I put Mr. Worm up above him, looking down.
The first time I did this, Matthew started kicking his arms and legs and smiling and talking to him! I thought it might be coincidence, so I did it again the next day and he did the same thing. It is hilarious!
He will easily spend 15 minutes talking away to his friend. What an adorable baby!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

An Evening at the Park

Daddy and his buddies are golfing today, so Mommy and Matthew are hanging out together. It was such a nice evening that we decided to go to the lake for a walk. Here's Matthew all ready to go....

Our park is really quite beautiful and we've enjoyed several walks through it! We'll have even more fun next summer when Matthew will be running around the playground :O) Here are some pictures of the park for those of you who haven't been there.

We sat by the waterfall and took in some fresh air... Matthew was so relaxed that he fell asleep!

Who's the Boss??

ok, so an update on my post last night. Matthew proved once again that he is the boss of the household. Wake me up at 11? I don't think so mom! He was so sound asleep (probably from not sleeping all day) that he wasn't interested in eating at all.

So... mom went back to bed. Woke up at 1am wondering if he wanted to eat. woke up again at 2:15 thinking, well, it's been 5 hours now... then woke up again at 3:30 and thought, well he has to be hungry by now! He was stirring a bit at this point, so he got up to eat and then went back to sleep. Then he slept until 7am to give mom atleast a few hours of sleep in a row!
This morning he was smiling and laughing away when I went in to get him... like I said, he's proven once again that we are to work around his schedule, not the other way around ;o)

Friday, July 20, 2007

All Thumbs...

Matthew found his thumbs two days ago... well, actually only his right thumb. And since then, I haven't been able to pull it out of his mouth! I was going to write and ask all of the moms out there to advise me on the thumb sucking issue.... Darren and I were discussing whether it's better to let him suck his thumb or give him a soother? I've heard/read pros and cons for each. I think we'll just let him have the thumb for now because he's already got it in his mouth before I can even reach for a soother.

My little boy is turning into exactly that, a little boy! He must be having another growth spurt, because he has been eating like crazy for the last few nights. Tonight it was bottle, breast, breast, bottle (all in the span of 3 hours or so!) Some days he just doesn't want to nap and today was one of them, so of course, he was exhausted by tonight. He fell asleep around 9pm, but I think I'll wake him to eat around 11 so that he sleeps until 3 or 4. I know.... I'm being selfish, but he just started to sleep 5 hours straight and I much prefer getting up only at 3 am to 12am, 3am and 6am!

Today we had our first physio appointment. We came home with a list of exercises to do and were told that "his world is on his left side"... so everything we do, we are supposed to keep encouraging him to look only to his left. Uh huh, that simple eh? Hopefully, the exercises are supposed to strengthen his neck muscles so that he doesn't favour one side over the other and then will sleep on his left side thus relieving the right side... oh, paranoid mother I am.... I just don't want him to have to have to wear a helmet!

Otherwise, he is thriving! Just today he actually held a rattle in his hand and shook it by himself! (He also hit himself in the head, but hey, it's a start!) He is still smiling up a storm and I must admit, I love taking him out in the morning when he's so happy because everywhere I go, I hear "oh look at the cute baby" or "oh, look the baby's smiling!"..... I remind myself every day how lucky I am to have such a perfect little boy (flat head and all) :O)

Take care,

Monday, July 16, 2007

We're melting.....

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't written for a while, we've been busy!

Last week was Stampede week as I'm sure you all know... on Wednesday, Matthew and I went to my workplace, Spartan Controls, for their Stampede breakfast. It was quite a feat to get there by 7:30 am, but we made it! Everyone was excited to see Matthew and couldn't believe how big he's gotten... I even got a few comments ~ "he's not a baby, he's a little boy!!".... I think it was the little jeans and buckaroo shirt that did it :O)

Grandpa and Grandma came for a visit over the weekend after going to see the Bon Jovi concert in Edmonton and seeing Uncle Mark off to Europe. They babysat for us while Darren and I went to the Stampede on Friday night. It was fun, but same old, same old... at least we got to have "those little doughnuts"...

On Saturday, it was so terribly hot here that we all just about melted. On one hand, thank goodness Matthew is here because if I was pregnant right now..... but on the other hand, I feel so sorry for him because he get's very hot, especially when he's being held by someone... babies don't cool down as easily as adults, so we've bene trying to keep him in a cool room or give him baths throughout the day.. poor kid has basically been living in a diaper for the past few days.

Our next door neighbour has ordered us an air-conditioner through his company..... please God, let it get here soon!!!!!

Today, Matthew had a checkup with his pediatrician. He is growing well, except that he favours laying on one side of his head and is getting a bit of a flat spot and weak neck muscles on one side. We are going to start physio to see if we can get him to turn his head to the opposite side more... that means regular visits up to Children's hospital. It's a long drive, but I don't mind taking him there because it is such a bright, cheerful and child-friendly place.

Not much on the plate for the rest of the week... can't do much when it's so darn hot outside... can't even go for walks until way past his bedtime, so not worth it!
Everyone around us has been getting some wicked storms, but we've yet to see any at our house...we could use a good downpour right about now!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

A Lazy Lazy Day

Well, it's one of those days in our house.... it's cloudy outside, the temperature is cool and Matthew has decided it's a day to nap. So, Mommy has some time to finally write in the blog!

Sorry it's been a while since I've written something substantial! We were in Saskatoon in the end of June visiting all of our relatives who had not yet met Matthew. We had 4 solid days of visiting, but Matthew did great. I was especially proud of him on the way home. It was a long trip for such a little guy, but he never fussed very much until we were in Airdrie... quite an accomplishment when you're only 7 weeks old!

However, I think unless we've got Daddy with us in the car, we'll be taking the plane on any future trips... airmiles, here we come!

Matthew is getting to be such a big boy! Everywhere I go, even complete strangers tell me that they don't think he looks like an 8 weeks old baby.. he looks more like 3 or 4 months old. It's probably because he's alredy wearing 6 month clothes. Yep, yesterday, I packed up just about all of the 3 month outfits and sleepers :O( It's not that he weighs that much (he is 13 lb), but he measures over 24" long already and most clothes with feet or the onesies are too short on him.

This week, we have to go for our shots. When I say we, I actually mean both of us! Mommy has to have her MMR shots... remember the whole episode of me not having the measles immunity and having to tell all 300 people at work that I was expecting, at once?!? Well, Mommy is going to have to have hers first and show Matthew that it doesn't hurt... yikes! I can't remember the last time I had to have a needle!

Next week Grandma and Grandpa are coming through town after seeing Uncle Mark off on his trip to Europe. They've promised to babysit so that Mommy and Daddy can have a date for the day! So, Mommy is pumping and pumping and pumping to make sure there are extra bottles available for Matthew! We're not going waste a baby sitting opportunity for the whole day! These don't come around that often you know ;o) Maybe we'll see you at Stampede.

Speaking of Stampede... Matthew's ready to go Stampeding!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Mommy and her baby boy....

Thursday, July 5, 2007

My Tummy Tub

Matthew got a Tummy Tub as a baby gift!
It is a tub that is supposed to remind them of when they were in their mommy's tummies...
So far, he seems to really like it (he was splashing and laughing yesterday, but of course, we couldn't catch the moment fast enough on camera) :O)
Today, he was just being silly with the camera and sticking his tongue out!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

No Sleep, No Sleep, No Sleep

Sleep? What's that?
When Matthew was first born, the thought of having to be up every 3 hours was very scary.... now, sometimes just the thought of sleeping for even 3 hours would be nice :O)

I'm not really complaining though... Matthew's a great baby! He's only recently started to figure out that he can cry to get his way though... I used to always just put him down in the crib and he'd go to sleep no problem. Now, if he doesn't want to sleep, he'll let me know! It's hard to do, but I have to just let him cry (I know, I know, I can hear all you experienced Mom's rolling your eyes)... but he does eventually fall asleep.

I've been playing around with that Facebook website and looking up friends and decided to edit my own profile today. Guess I should have done it when I'd had a bit more sleep... Who's the first one to e-mail me, but my old friend from elementary school (male), who always used to tease me when we were little, and what does he see? Erin's interested in ......women !?!?!? oops.... little typo there..... bet I gave him a good laugh.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I'm a Westjetter!

(By Matthew James)

Last week, I took a vacation to see my all my grandparents, aunts and cousins! Mommy took me on the plane. Every time someone heard that I was only 7 weeks old, they would say "oh, poor thing!", but I was having the time of my life (keep in mind I've only been to the doctor and grocery store otherwise, so this was pretty exciting!)

First, Mommy had to wake me up really early. I think she set her alarm clock for 5am, but of course, I made her get up to feed me at 4am, so I think she just got up then. Then Daddy had to fit all of our luggage into the car! Mommy took two big suitcases and one was completely filled with all of my toys and blankets, wasn't I lucky! The other had mostly my clothes and stuff and I think Mommy was able to fit in a few things of her own to wear.

We got to the airport nice and early and stood in line at the ticket counter. I was excited to see this new place, so I wasn't sleeping! Mommy got our plane tickets and was grumbling something about them not even asking to see my birth certificate. Mommy went to great lengths to get me one in time for the flight because the people at Westjet told her I needed one. They even said that she had to bring the big certificate, not the little one, and so Mommy and Daddy were careful to put it in a ziploc bag and inbetween a book so that it wouldn't get wrecked. And then they didn't even ask to see it!

Mommy did her first diaper change in a public washroom! I was nice to her and only had a wet diaper.

We had to say goodbye to Daddy at the security gate. Mommy and I were sad to leave him but we knew he was coming on the weekend. He waited at the gate and waved to us. When we got to the security line, the nice lady told Mommy that I had to come out of my carseat, everything had to come out of my stroller and Mommy had to take the care seat out of the stroller. And, she had to take her jacket off and take the camera out and take my diaper bag out. She had to do all of this while holding me with one arm! Mommy didn't have a happy look on her face. The carseat got stuck in the stroller and some nice man behind us tried to help us out but even he couldn't get it out. Then the nice security man took my stroller behind the counter and he ripped it into two pieces! Then they were turning it upside down and rubbing a funny brush on it. What did they think I was hiding in my stroller? Luckly, another nice security man helped Mommy put the carseat back in the stroller so Mommy could put me back in it!

When we got on the plane, I was a little scared so I cried a bit, but Mommy gave me some milk and I decided to go to sleep. I got soooo comfortable that I missed the entire plane ride! I didn't even wake up when the plane took off or landed! I only jumped once when the airplane man started singing over the intercom. I think the lady who sat beside my Mommy was happy that I slept all the way too!

Here is a picture of my Mommy and me when we landed in Saskatoon. Mommy is happy because I'm not screaming like the other 7 babies on the plane and I'm still happily sleeping away!

Mommy will tell you more about our trip to Saskatoon later, but she wanted to get something posted on my blog soon so that you all knew we made it home safe and sound!
Talk to you soon....
