Wednesday, May 23, 2012

... This is after having her needle?!?

... 10:30 pm, she was watching overtime hockey, grabbed Matthew's hockey stick and started yelling up the stairs for Daddy to come play hockey with her.  I have a funny feeling that she might be the hockey player of the family :)

....11 pm last night after multiple attempts to try get her to go to sleep.  She was literally like this from the minute we left the health centre after getting her 18 month booster.  !?! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Victoria Day Long Weekend ~ Exploring the Science Centre

M has been asking us since January to go back to the Science Centre!   We decided to make a trek down to it on Sunday morning.    As it is right by the zoo, my first thought was to do both, but upon leaving the science centre around noon, the line up to get in the zoo PARKING LOT, was about 5 km down the freeway!!! I've NEVER seen it like that before.  Think we made the better choice :)

Both kids enjoy the science centre so it's a good place for us to go!  K's favourite part is of course anything to do with water... M ~ anything that he can cut, glue or take apart :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Happy Day!

K recently picked up the phrase "Happy Day" and since we laughed at it an thought it was cute, now skips around the house saying it repeatedly, or announces it whenever she wants a laugh and a tickle from Mommy :)

M's 5th Birthday Party

Matthew's 5th Birthday Party was a LEGO building bash!    Everything was in LEGO colors and there was a cake made out of LEGO!

When the guests arrived they had fun decorating their own LEGO man/girl that we used as decorations.

Little Miss K wanted to be a part of the action as well!  She decided to eat the crayons instead of color with them though :(

Here the kids are showing off their lego cars.  Everyone was given a bag with wheels and a base to design a creative car that they would later race down a ramp.  The kids had a blast with this!

Here is the proud birthday boy and his cake.  Can't believe he's 5 years old!  So grown up!

All the little friends together...

Opening presents...

Overall a thumbs up from the guests and the birthday boy!